
📊Send Artillery metrics (latency, response codes, errors etc) to external monitoring systems such as Datadog or InfluxDB

Primary LanguageJavaScript




Use this plugin to send metrics tracked by Artillery (e.g. response latency, network errors, HTTP response codes) to an external monitoring/observability system.

Supported targets:


The plugin needs to be installed in the same scope (globally or as a project-specific dependency) as Artillery.

If you installed Artillery globally (i.e. with npm install -g artillery) then the plugin needs to be installed globally too:

npm install -g artillery-plugin-publish-metrics

If artillery is installed as a project-specific dependency (i.e. in a directory with package.json in it), install it with: t

npm install artillery-plugin-publish-metrics

Datadog example
Track, graph and visualize Artillery metrics alongside metrics from your applications and infrastructure

Published metrics

  • Virtual user metrics: scenarios.created, scenarios.completed - number of sessions created and successfully completed
  • HTTP-specific metrics:
    • requests.completed -- number of requests completed successfully
    • latency.min / max / median / p95 / p99 -- response time latency distribution
    • codes.2xx / 3xx / 4xx / 5xx -- response code counts
    • rps.mean -- mean per/second rate of successful responses
  • Errors:
    • error_count - total number of errors encountered (useful for setting alerts that don't enumerating specific error codes)
    • errors.ETIMEOUT / ENOTFOUND / EMFILE - count of specific error codes


An example configuration to publish metrics to Datadog via its HTTP API:

      - type: datadog
        apiKey: "{{ $processEnvironment.DD_API_KEY }}"
        prefix: artillery.
          - team:sre
          - component:eu-payments-backend
          - region:eu-west-1
            - team:sre

Datadog Configuration

The plugin supports sending metrics to an already running Datadog agent or directly to Datadog API. If Datadog agents have already been set up on your infrastructure, then publishing via the agent is probably preferable. Publishing via the HTTP API is useful when running in environments which do not have the agent (e.g. when running Artillery on AWS Lambda or AWS Fargate).

  • To send metrics to Datadog, set type to datadog
  • Set apiKey to an API key to send metrics directly to Datadog via its HTTP API, or:
  • If apiKey is not set, metrics will be sent to a Datadog agent:
    • Set host to the hostname/IP of the agent (defaults to
    • Set port to the port that the agent is listening on (defaults to 8125)
  • prefix -- use a prefix for metric names created by Artillery; defaults to artillery.
  • tags -- a list of name:value strings to use as tags for all metrics sent during a test
  • event -- send a Datadog event when the test starts/finishes
    • title -- set to customize the event title; defaults to Artillery.io Test + timestamp
    • text -- set to customize the event text
    • priority -- normal or low; defaults to low
    • tags -- a list of event specific tags in the value:name format
    • alertType -- error, warning, info or success; defaults to info
    • send -- set to false to turn off the event. By default, if an event is configured, it will be sent. This option makes it possible to turn event creation on/off on the fly (e.g. via an environment variable)

Honeycomb Configuration

  • To send events to Honeycomb, set type to honeycomb
  • Set apiKey to API/write key
  • Set dataset to the name of a dataset you want to send events to
  • Optional: set enabled to false to disable the integration
  • Optional: set sampleRate to sample rate (default: 1 i.e. send all events) (Honeycomb docs)

Honeycomb integration sends an event for every HTTP response (rather than pre-aggregated metrics).

The following properties are set on every event:

  • url - full URL of the request
  • host - hostname + port
  • method - HTTP method, e.g. GET
  • statusCode - status code, e.g. 200
  • responseTimeMs - time-to-first-byte of the response in milliseconds

Example configuration

      - type: honeycomb
        apiKey: "{{ $processEnvironment.HONEYCOMB_API_KEY" }}
        dataset: load-testing

CloudWatch Configuration

  • To send events to AWS CloudWatch, set type to cloudwatch
  • Set region to region you want to use (default eu-west-1)
  • Set namespace to set metric's namespace (default: artillery)
  • Set name to set metric's dimention Name (default: loadtest)

Example configuration

      - type: cloudwatch
        region: "eu-west-1"
        name: "example"

StatsD Configuration

  • To send metrics to StatsD, set type to statsd
  • Set host and port to hostname/IP and port of the agent (if different from the default
  • Set prefix to use a custom prefix for metric names created by Artillery; defaults to artillery.

InfluxDB/Telegraf Configuration

  • To send metrics to Telegraf (with Telegraf's statsd Service Plugin), set type to influxdb-statsd
  • All other options are the same as for Datadog (other than apiKey which is not relevant).


MPL 2.0

Bugs & Feature Suggestions

Please create an issue to report a bug or suggest an improvement.

To be implemented:

  • InfluxDB (HTTP API)
  • Splunk
  • Prometheus
  • ELK
  • CloudWatch

(Want to help add your favorite monitoring system? Drop us a line.)