Hi! I'm Ted, a BEng Cybersecurity and Forensics graduate from Edinburgh Napier University.
Edinburgh, UK
TedHartDavis's Followers
- 00mjk
- adbraun45
- alexandraparkerLondon, UK
- benschlossman
- c1495616jsEY
- Cajs@PDS-UK
- codebamToronto, Canada
- ColonelPhantomthe Netherlands
- CxarliThe Netherlands
- elwynynionWeb Dev
- EpicnessTwo@Land-of-Kittens
- evieluvsrainbowsThe Internet
- HarryFalshaw
- igormpRecife - PE, Brazil
- JohnnyVineall
- jvardevSpain
- MrSlimeDiamondmyself
- RealityAnomalyUnited Corporate Trusts of Britain
- resslerruntimeRessler Runtime
- slowriotArmchair Software
- SnektronStream HPC
- statsgeekclare
- turquoise-hexagon
- tyhdefu
- Zomon333Champlain College