Ticket Tracker



  • New user can signup
  • User able to login using username and password
  • Only authorized(role based authentication) user(s) able to update other user(s) role
  • Only authorized user(s) able to create ticket(s)

Tools and Technologies

  • Spring boot
  • Spring security
  • Spring data JPA
  • Gradle
  • MySQL DB
  • AWS RDS for prod
  • JWT
  • Lombok
  • Model mapper


Method URL Description Security
POST /users/register Register new user None
POST /users/login Login existing user None
PUT /users/update-role Update user's role Authentication
PUT /users/update-user Update user's details Authentication Personalization
PUT /users/update-password Update user's password Authentication Personalization
POST /departments Create new department Authentication
GET /departments Get all departments Authentication
DELETE /departments/{department-name} Delete department Authentication
POST /tickets Create new ticket Authentication
GET /tickets Get all tickets Authentication Pagination Filter
GET /tickets/my-ticket Get all tickets created by user Authentication Personalization
PUT /tickets/{ticket-id}/assign-ticket Assign ticket to user Authentication
PUT /tickets/{ticket-id}/update-status Update ticket status Authentication