
Stop Misclassifying is an open source project to help people understand the difference between employees and independent contractors.

Welcome to Stop Misclassifying

What is this?

The goal of this GitHub repository is to provide both resources and educational tools, specifically geared towards freelancers in the entertainment industry.


This repository and website should strive to maintain a high standard of professionalism. Information should be presented clearly, accurately, and respectfully. The content should be suitable for sharing directly with employers without placing the employee in a difficult position. The focus should be on educating and fostering understanding.

Why is this important?

Misclassification of employees can lead to legal issues and financial penalties. It is important to understand the difference between an employee and an independent contractor.

How to Contribute

This resource is available to the public to contribute.

There are a couple of different ways to contribute:

  • Via the GitHub web browser interface and submitting a pull request:

    1. Navigate to the repository on GitHub.
    2. Click on the file you want to edit or click the "Add file" button to create a new file.
    3. Make your changes and click "Propose changes."
    4. Click "Create pull request" to submit your changes for review.
  • Via forking the repo and submitting a pull request:

    1. Navigate to the repository on GitHub.
    2. Click the "Fork" button at the top-right corner to create a copy of the repository in your account.
    3. Make changes to your forked repository.
    4. Navigate to your forked repository and click "New pull request" to submit your changes for review.
  • Via adding an issue on the GitHub repo:

    1. Navigate to the repository on GitHub.
    2. Click on the "Issues" tab.
    3. Click "New issue."
    4. Describe the issue or suggestion and click "Submit new issue."
  • Via emailing [EMAIL TBD]:

    1. Send an email with your suggestions or issues to the provided email address.
    2. Include relevant details and any supporting documentation or links.


This page is not intended to provide legal advice. The information provided is for educational purposes only. No liability is assumed for the information provided.

Please consult with an attorney for legal advice.