
Classic snake modularized in vanilla Javascript

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A generic Javascript class that turns any HTML Canvas into the classic game of Snake


Simply pass in an HTML Canvas element into the SnakeJS class. For example,

const canvas = document.getElementById('my-canvas');
new SnakeJS(canvas);


There are several options you can play around with in the constructor of the game.

this.SCALE // Default = 20 sets the size of the blocks.

this.SPEED // Default = 140 sets the speed of the game.

this.BACKGROUND_COLOR // Default = 'black' sets the background color of the canvas

this.SNAKE_COLOR // Default = 'white' sets the color of the snake

this.FOOD_COLOR // Default = null sets the color of the food. Set it as null for random colors.


There's an example page included. It is currently hosted here.

Alternatively, to run it locally, in the top level directory, simply start a web server, and navigate to the file hosted on your localhost. For example,

python -m SimpleHTTPServer 9000

And visit localhost:9000/example.html

Behavior Notes

Because the game is tiled, the class will automatically adjust the size of the canvas to the correct proportions. The class will never make the canvas larger, but scale down if it needs to. You are also able to change the scale if need be.

If the game board is too small, the game will not work properly.

We strongly recommend canvas dimensions of at least 400px by 400px.

Future Work

  • Adding an optional border
  • Making the canvas size detection smarter, and handles case of small canvases
  • Leaderboard
  • More aesthically pleasing