
Personal wiki plugin for Kakoune

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Personal wiki plugin for Kakoune


Personal wiki is collection of interconnected notes you can store your knowledge in. I wanted to create plugin for Kakoune that would make creating such wiki as hassle-free as possible. My main issue was manual creation of new pages and writing Markdown links by hand. When I've got an idea I want to write it down right now, without navigating file system. I want to be able to create and link other notes during writing as well.


  • find and edit any page using wiki command, no matter where you are in the file system
  • quickly jump between wiki pages. Just point at link and press enter
  • create interconnected pages with @pagename syntax that expands to standard Markdown links
  • insert images with @path/to/image.png syntax
  • toggle Markdown check-boxes with <ret> key in normal mode
  • wiki is just bunch of Markdown files, you can process/edit them further with tools like pandoc, MdWiki, markor or any text editor. No vendor lock-ins
  • minimal and simple — only essential features, script around 100 LOC


You can either:

  • load rc/wiki.kak from your kakrc: source path/to/rc/wiki.kak
  • put rc/wiki.kak in your autoloads directory ~/.config/kak/autoload/
  • use plug.kak - plugin manager

Then you have to choose directory for your wiki. Call following command from your kakrc:

wiki-setup `/home/user/my/wiki/directory`
# or
wiki-setup %sh{ echo $HOME/wiki }

Only last stable releases of Kakoune is supported


Create new page

To create wiki page use wiki command. Provide file name as parameter:

wiki cookies.md

This command creates file cookies.md in your wiki directory. You can also use subdirectories for organization purpose. To create new page in subdirectory:

wiki recipes/cookies.md

Note that path is always relative to the wiki root directory.

Edit existing page

To edit wiki page use (you guessed it) wiki command. You can press TAB key for autocompletion:

wiki recipes/<TAB> # cycle through available pages

Link pages

To reference other wiki page use @tag syntax. Type @cookies<ret> in insert mode to create standard Markdown link to wiki page cookies.md in your wiki directory. As alternative you can use wiki_expand_tag command in normal mode when whole @tag is selected. You can use subdirectories as well, path is always relative to wiki root directory, however expanded link will be relative to currently edited wiki page:

# editing recipes/cookies.md
expands to

If page referenced by @tag does not exist it will be created. Directories will be created as well.

If you press <ret> with cursor on link, Kakoune will follow link.


To insert image from your wiki directory use @!image syntax. Type @!image.jpg<ret> to insert ![image.jpg](image.jpg). There is also wiki_expand_pic command (@!image tag must be selected). You can use subdirectories like in @tag.


You can toggle Markdown checkboxes on and off using <ret> key in normal mode or wiki_toggle_checkbox command:


- [ ] foo
- [ ] bar # press <ret>
- [X] bar # result


  • 0.1:
    • initial release
  • 0.2:
    • ADD toggle checkbox feature
  • 0.3 2018-07-15:
    • ADD support for nested directories
    • REMOVE hide wiki_new_page command, use wiki instead
    • CHANGE wiki command use relative paths now
  • 0.4 2018-09-06:
    • CHANGE update to Kakoune v2018.09.04 breaking
  • 0.5 2018-09-11:
    • FIX tag expansion in middle of the line
    • FIX new line causing unwanted tag expansion
    • FIX refactoring of try statements in NormalMode hooks and commands
  • 0.6 2018-10-27:
    • CHANGE new directory layout (breaking: update path in source command in kakrc)
    • CHANGE Kakoune v2018.10.27 compatibility breaking
    • CHANGE Changelog formatting
    • FIX update README, fix spelling mistakes
  • 0.7 2019-01-04:
    • CHANGE update README
    • CHANGE small refactoring of wiki command
    • FIX following links when pwd is not in wiki_path
    • FIX following links from wiki_path subdirectories
    • FIX expanding tags won't create new line anymore
    • ADD wiki_expand_pic and corresponding syntax @!path/to/pic.jpg (based on PR #2)
  • 0.8 2020-02-03:
    • CHANGE Kakoune v2020.01.16 compatibility breaking
    • CHANGE wiki_setup rename to wiki-setup