
SEMlibmodule hardware implementation targeting megaAVR 0-series microcontrollers.

Primary LanguageC++


SEMlibmodule hardware implementation targeting Microchip megaAVR 0-series microcontrollers.


This repository provides the hardware side of libmodule for megaAVR 0-series microcontrollers.
It has been designed for an ATmega3208, but should work with similar models with minor modifications.

Name Origin

Around the time when Microchip bought Atmel, Atmel released a series of AVRs with a different internal structure to previous models. This internal structure seems to have taken inspiration from Atmel's ARM microcontrollers. Considering this a new AVR for a "Microchip-Atmel" (whether true or not), and in need of a name, I named it libmicavr. The SEM comes from its use in the SEM project.


SEMlibmicavr is intended to be used as a submodule in a project containing libmodule.

  • See SEMbms as an example.


SEMlibmodule/src/ must be in the include search path for libmicavr to work.


SEMlibmodule requires that timerhardware.h is in the include search path.
timerhardware.cpp and generalhardware.cpp will need to be added as source files to the project.