

Flask-backend for our Keras/Tensorflow model that predicts mushrooms based on pictures.

Running instance


POST /predict

Params: .jpg file as multipart/form-data

Returns: JSON-object that has prediction value on its edibility 0 being unedible and 1 edible.


  "prediction": 0.658562958240509

How to install

  1. First install Python >=3.5
  2. You should have now pip so then install virtualenv: pip install virtualenv (or pip3 install virtualenv if you have also Python 2 installed eg. Mac OS X)
  3. Create virtualenv environment: virtualenv <name>
  4. Activate that environment: source ./<name>/bin/activate
  5. Clone this repository including the frontend with: git clone --recursive
  6. Install requirements: pip install -r requirements.txt
  7. Follow the installation instructions on the deep-shrooms-frontend
  8. And you're done!

Run the development server on localhost:9000 with ./
It will automatically refresh on any changes to the source code.

Production server uses pm2 for running the app as a daemon. You can install it with npm i -g pm2.

To run the production server on localhost:9000 with pm2 start ./
NOTE: You have to build the frontend by going to its folder and entering: npm run build.

Detailed list of dependencies

You can probably install the same requirements as in requirements.txt with:

pip install keras tensorflow flask flask-cors h5py gunicorn