
High performance and SEO friendly lazy loader WordPress plugin, based on lazysizes by aFarkas and contributors

Primary LanguageJavaScript


  • Contributors: 16patsle
  • Tags: Lazy Load, lazysizes, iframe, image, media, video, YouTube, Vimeo, audio
  • Requires at least: 3.1
  • Requires PHP: 5.6
  • Tested up to: 5.0.2
  • Stable tag: 0.2.0
  • License: GPLv3 or later
  • License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html

High performance and SEO friendly lazy loader for images, iframes and more


lazysizes is a WordPress plugin for the fast (jank-free), SEO-friendly and self-initializing lazyloader with the same name. Support includes images (including responsive images picture/srcset), iframes, scripts/widgets and much more. It also prioritizes resources by differentiating between crucial in view and near view elements to make perceived performance even faster.

This plugin works by loading the lazysizes script and replacing the src and srcset attributes with data-src and data-srcset on the front end of a WordPress site. When a post or page is loaded, the lazysizes javascript will load the images, iframes etc. dynamically when needed.

Thanks to aFarkas and contributors for making the lazysizes project possible, and for letting me use the same name.

Also thanks to dbhynds for making the Lazy Load XT plugin this plugin is based on.


  1. Install and activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress


  1. Download and unzip lazysizes.
  2. Upload the lazysizes folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  3. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress

Frequently Asked Questions

Why aren't my images lazy loading?

Lazysizes filters images added to the page using the_content, post_thumbnail_html, widget_text and get_avatar. If your images are added using another function (wp_get_attachment_image for example), lazysizes does not filter them. However, you can filter the HTML yourself by passing it to get_lazysizes_html.

For example, if a theme has: echo wp_get_attachment_image($id); Changing it to the following would lazy load the image: echo get_lazysizes_html( wp_get_attachment_image($id) );

But this plugin looks like Lazy Load XT!!

Yes, it does. The PHP code for this plugin is heavily based on that of Lazy Load XT. The main difference is that this plugin is a bit simplified, and is using a completely different lazy loading library, with no jQuery dependency.

Thanks to dbhynds for making the Lazy Load XT plugin. Without that project, this one would not be possible.

Why is this plugin called the same as the lazysizes JS library?

There are a couple of reasons:

  1. I like the name. It's good.
  2. I'm hoping it will help people discovering the plugin. I originally tried searching for a WordPress plugin using the library myself, and other people might be trying the same.

If you are wondering, this plugin is not affiliated with the lazysizes project. I got permission by aFarkas to use the name, but that's as far as any connection between the two go.



  • Update the lazysizes library to version 4.1.5
  • Fix lazy loading of elements without a class attribute, like some iframes
  • Fix translation loading


  • Remove unused code for advanced settings


  • Fix text domain loading


  • Updated readme


  • Initial version of the plugin