
Welcome to the TON NFT Marketplace, a public repository hosted by our Team. This project is a hub for the NFT marketplace on the TON blockchain, offering a versatile platform for digital assets.

Primary LanguageKotlin

NFT Marketplace - TON Blockchain (open-surce)


Welcome to the TON-Marketplace-NFT-All, a public repository hosted by TegroTON. This project is a hub for the NFT marketplace on the TON blockchain, offering a versatile platform for digital assets.

Key Features

  • NFT Marketplace Libermall: A comprehensive platform for trading and showcasing NFTs.
  • Integration with TON Blockchain: Utilizes the fast, secure, and scalable features of the TON blockchain.
  • Web3 and DeFi Integration: Advanced features for decentralized finance and web3 functionalities.

Repository Structure

  • DeFiTON: Core module for decentralized finance features.
  • kotlin-js-store: Kotlin-based storefront for NFTs.
  • smartcont: Smart contract codes for the TON blockchain.
  • src: Source code of the project.
  • Dockerfile and .dockerignore: For easy deployment and containerization.
  • gradle/wrapper: Gradle wrapper for dependency management.

Languages and Tools

  • Mainly written in Kotlin with elements of HTML, JavaScript, and Dockerfile.
  • Dependency management and build automation through Gradle.
  • Vue-based frontend framework.

Getting Started

To get started with TegroTON/TON-Marketplace-NFT-All:

  1. Clone the Repository: Use Git to clone the repository to your local machine.
  2. Set Up Environment: Ensure you have Kotlin, Gradle, and Docker installed.
  3. Build and Run: Follow the instructions in the build.gradle.kts for building and running the project.


We welcome contributions from the community! If you wish to contribute:

  • Check Issues: Look at open issues for areas that need help.
  • Pull Requests: Submit pull requests with new features or bug fixes.
  • Discussions: Participate in discussions and provide feedback.


  • AntonMeep (Anton F.)
  • DeFiTON (Billionaire DendiBoss)
  • renovate[bot]

Support and Sponsorship

If you find this project helpful, consider supporting or sponsoring via GitHub Sponsors. Your support helps in the continuous development of this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. Feel free to use, modify, and distribute the code as per the license terms.