
Pronounced like Thread, but with an elongated 'e'. An Assembly-ish language that runs three simultaneous scripts that can only write to their own memory tapes, and most functions read from the other two.

Primary LanguageLua

#Threead Pronounced 'Thread', but with a longer 'e'

Code is split up into chunks of three lines, eg:


Each of these chunks is, before interpreted, smoothed down to simply three lines. This turns the above into:


However, if one line is longer, the others are padded with spaces, which are no-ops. So



2 2
3 3

The three 'threads' share one instruction pointer, which treats each byte as a command. Each thread can only write to, and move, their own memory tape. Any write actions always happen after read actions, to prevent conflict.

Loops are done similar to brainfuck, in which a [] pair is used, and it will behave the same, checking if the buffer is 0 or not 0. However, they can be across threads, and they move all their instruction pointers at once. So,


is valid, and the third buffer will never receive a 1, because that instruction is skipped. Two looping characters at the same point will cause a compiling error immediently.


The following functions are considered valid, everything else is considered a no-op. All functions that take two arguments do so as (LeftBuffer, RightBuffer). All others, unless explicitly specified, take it from (ThisBuffer)

  • 0-9: Any digit will multiply the current buffer by 10, and add the digit it represents. *10+n
  • +: Adds two numbers together. Also concatenates strings.
  • -: Subtracts two numbers.
  • *: Multiplies two numbers, or repeats a string n times.
  • /: Divides two numbers.
  • ^: Raises a number to another number. Alternatively, gets the character at a particular position of a string.
  • %: Get the modulus of a number to another number.
  • _: Sets the value of the current buffer to 0.
  • : Cycles the memory tape to the left.

  • <: Cycles the memory tape to the right.
  • r: Grabs the value in the buffer to the right.
  • l: Grabs the value in the buffer to the left.
  • c: Gets the Character represented by the number in the buffer.
  • b: Gets the number the character in the buffer represents.
  • s: Convert the buffer to a string.
  • n: Get a numger that the string represents.
  • i: Pushes all memory to the right of the tape over one, "Inserting" a new cell into the tape.
  • d: Pushes all memory to the right of the tape over one to the left, "Deleting" the cell on the buffer.
  • o: Write the value of the buffer to STDOUT.
  • D: Write all the memory to STDERR. For Debugging.
  • []: Loops, See Brainfuck
  • R: Read a line from STDIN to the current buffer.
  • I: Read an Integer from STDIN to the current buffer.
  • B: Read a byte from STDIN to the current buffer.
  • ~ gives bitwise not
  • = gives 1 if l==r, 0 otherwise
  • H gives first R chars of L
  • T gives last R chars of L
  • @ terminates execution