
A lua library dedicated to expressions and things.

Primary LanguageLua


equa.lua (standing for equation) is a library for the programming language Lua.

This library focuses on dynamically producing functions from simple logical expresisons. For example:

    hyp = sqrt(x^2 + y^2)
    print(hyp(3, 4))

This full program prints 5.0, which is the hypotanuse of a right angle triangle of sides 3 and 4 respectively.

Protoexpressions and Protovariables

All global lua variables now default to a state referred to as a protovariable.

When a protovariable is operated upon, it becomes a protoexpression. For example, caluclating x+3 where x is a protovariable will create the protoexpression x+3. You can see this by printing it, with print(x+3).

Most lua functions and operators are wrapped so that they build onto a protoexpression, and many libraries are also placed into the main namespace. Thus, sqrt(x^2 + y^2) creates a protoexpression which contains 2 protovariables, x and y.

Using Protoexpressions

When a protoexpression is called, it will begin evaluation depending on a few situations.

Supplying regular values

When you supply one or more values to a protoexpression, it will begin to evaluate, substituting each protovaraible with the next value in alphabetical order.

As an example, calling (x+y+x)(1,2) first substitutes x with 1, then y with 2, which produces 4 after evaluation.

If there aren't enough values provided, it will partially evaluate. If the same example was only provided the value 1, then it would return the new protoexpression 1+y+1.

Because this is still a protoexpression, protoexpressions are defaultly curryable, so one could just as easily call (x+y+x)(1)(2) to achieve the first result.

Protoexpressions may also be passed into protoexpressions. For example, (x+1)(n^2) subtitutes x with the protoexpression n^2, which produces n^2+1.

Supplying a table

By calling expression({x = 3}) or expression{x = 3}, you perform a named evaluation. This will evaluate the protoexpression in which all instances of the protovariable x will be substituted for the value y. Like the other method, a protoexpression can be supplied still, and partial evaluation can occur.

Additional functions

Alongside the protoexpressions, equa.lua provides a few functions in the global namespace to make working with them easier.

  • toTeX(exp): Creates some LaTeX based off the input expression.
  • call(exp, ...): Call takes a function or a protoexpression, and once all it's arguments are evaluated, calls it on the arguments.
  • #exp: Calling # on a protoexpression will wrap it in a function, preventing it's values from being substitued in evaluation unless explicitely done so.
  • isEq(val): Returns true if the provided value is a protoexpression or a protovariable, false otherwise.
  • wrap(func, name): returns a function which can accept protoexpressions and remember them. name is for string conversion, and is optional.
  • brak(val): returns a table containing the value val.
  • len(val): returns the length of val.
  • index(table, ind): Returns the value of table[ind].
  • lt, gt, le, ge, eq, ne, orr, andd: A bunch of functions for comparing variables.
  • branch(condition, truthy, falsey, ...): When condition is evaluated, executes truthy if condition is truthy, and falsey otherwise, passing to them the contents of ... as arguments.
  • floop(first, condition, whilst, body, ...): When first is evaluated, it stores it's value. it then checks if condition, when passed the stored value and the contents of ... is truthy. If it is, then body is evaluated with the same, then so is whilst and stores the return value of that instead, then loops back to checking cond. Once finished, it returns the last returned value of whilst
  • wloop(cond, body, initial, ...): Stores initial, then checks if the value of cond when passed initial and ... is truthy, if it is, then body is called with the same, and initial is replaced with it's return value, it then loops back to checking cond. initial is then returned.