
A NoPixel inspired Blackout Script

Primary LanguageLua

A NoPixel Inspired Blackout Script

You plant a bomb, there's some nice explosions and the lights go off! Heavy inspiration taken from NoPixel obviously ;)

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Add this item to your qb-core/shared/items.lua

['c4_bomb'] = {['name'] = 'c4_bomb', ['label'] = 'C4 Explosive', ['weight'] = 1000, ['type'] = 'item', ['ammotype'] = nil,['image'] = 'weapon_stickybomb.png', 	['unique'] = true, 		['useable'] = false, 	['description'] = 'A high-yield, timed explosive charge..'},

Then you're done and good to go!


qb-core qb-target

(Since a lot of the code is standalone, all you realistically need is the target and qb-weathersync)