
Generate a file of code that imports/requires a bunch of files, and exports them as an array

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Pass in a file pattern and an output path, and a file will be created that imports all the matching files, and then exports them as a single array.

Why would you need this?

It's really nice to be able to auto-initialize a whole bunch of parts of your application, without having to maintain a list of modules to require in your index.js:

// Maintaining this is inconvenient
const coolService = require('./service/cool/the-coolest.js')
const niftyService = require('./service/nifty/nearly-as-cool.js')
const yetAnotherService = require('./service/hope-you-didnt-forget-any-other-files.js')


To avoid dealing with such ever-growing lists of modules, I've used this pattern in node.js code:

glob.sync('service/**/*.js', { ignore: 'service/**/*.test.js' })
.map(file => require(`./${file}`))
.forEach(moduleFunction => {

It finds all the js files in a part of the application's directory tree, requires them, and then runs them as a function passing in some initial options.


The above code doesn't work for client-side apps built with a bundler.

Bundlers must be able to tell which files will be loaded by reading the code, without executing it.

So, you're back to maintaining a long list imports/requires somewhere. Unless you use this library.

What does it do?

Given these files:


Calling this library and passing in fixtures/**/*.js and my-globbed-files.js will cause it to spit out a file containing:

const fixtures$47$one$46$js = require('./fixtures/one.js')
const fixtures$47$someDirectory$47$two$46$js = require('./fixtures/someDirectory/two.js')

module.exports = [

or, for es6 module bundlers:

import fixtures$47$one$46$js from './fixtures/one.js'
import fixtures$47$someDirectory$47$two$46$js from './fixtures/someDirectory/two.js'

export default [

Then, all your index file needs to do is

require('my-globbed-files.js').forEach(moduleFunction => {


globModuleFile(options, [globOptions])

Returns a promise that resolves to the JS code with all the requires/imports and exports.

If an outputPath is provided, the promise will not resolve until after the file is done being written.


  • pattern: (required): Passed to glob.
  • outputPath: A file to be created or overwritten with all of the import code.
  • exportWithPath: If false, exports whatever value was imported from the original file. If true, exports an object { path: thePathStringThatWasImported, export: theObjectExportedFromTheGlobbedFile }. Defaults to false.
  • format: Specify the module output - either the string es (import/export) or cjs (require/module.exports). Defaults to cjs
  • sortFunction: A comparison function to be passed to Array.sort to determine the order to import the files in (and determine their order in the output array). Defaults to a function that orders by how deep in the directory structure the file is (shallowest to deepest).
  • pathPrefix: A string to be prepended to the paths passed to require. Defaults to ./
  • importStar: whether to use import * as whateverExport instead of import defaultExport when outputting ES module syntax. Defaults to false


Optional. Passed straight through as the options argument to glob.


const expected = `const fixtures$47$one$46$js = require('./fixtures/one.js')
const fixtures$47$someDirectory$47$two$46$js = require('./fixtures/someDirectory/two.js')

module.exports = [

globModuleFiles({ pattern: 'fixtures/**/*.js', outputPath: '/tmp/globbed.js' }).then(code => {
	code // => expected

	require('fs').readFileSync('/tmp/globbed.js', { encoding: 'utf8' }) // => code
}).catch(err => {


glob-module-file --pattern="fixtures/**/*.js" --format=es --ignore="**/one.js"

Takes any number of named arguments corresponding to the options objects above.

Spits the code to stdout so you can pipe it into a file or what have you.
