
Use PostCSS to preprocess your styles in Svelte components

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Preprocess your Svelte component styles with PostCSS!

Uses postcss-load-config under the hood for config loading.


import sveltePreprocessPostcss from 'svelte-preprocess-postcss'

const stylePreprocessor = sveltePreprocessPostcss({
	configFilePath: '',
	useConfigFile: true,
	plugins: [

preprocessorFunction = sveltePreprocessPostcss([context])

If no context is passed in, configuration options are loaded from postcss.config.js or .postcssrc.js starting in the current directory.

If you do pass in a context object/function, it is passed to postcss-load-config.

Besides whatever postcss-load-config does with the context, you can also provide these values:

  • configFilePath (optional string): If supplied, is used as the root path to use to look for a config file. Defaults to the current working directory.
  • useConfigFile (optional boolean): if false, the preprocessor won't go looking for any configuration file - the plugins property of the context object will be used by itself. Defaults to true.

You can both pass in a context object with plugins and whatnot, and also load from a config file - postcss-load-config handles merging those together.


const processed = await svelte.preprocess(source, {
	style: stylePreprocessor
export default {
	plugins: [
			preprocess: {
				style: stylePreprocessor
			css(css) {
