
A set of files from Teiserver for testing balance algorithm changes without needing to have a whole server testing setup.

The purpose is to enable ideas for balance algorithms to be better tested and investigated by those interested in doing so. It provides a better place for implementation ideas to be discussed and tracked compared to discord and will make for an easier way to extend testing of ideas in a uniform way.


You will need to install Elixir.

git clone
cd balance_algorithm
mix deps.get
mix test

> Compiling 1 file (.ex)
> .........
> Finished in 0.02 seconds (0.02s async, 0.00s sync)
> 1 doctest, 8 tests, 0 failures



We can use unit tests to ensure implementations of each algorithm produce the output expected, it also allows us to change internal details and ensure the algorithms as a whole are unaffected. We can run the tests with mix test. Tests are located in the [test] folder.

Evaluate against data

TODO: Mix task to run data against an algorithm and provide scoring metrics/output