"Difference calculator" is a program that determines the difference between two data structures. This is a popular task, for which there are many online services, for example https://www.jsondiff.com. A similar mechanism is used when outputting tests or when automatically tracking changes in configuration files.
Features of the utility:
- Supports various input formats: yaml, json;
- Report generation as plain text, stylish and json.
Examples of use:
- "Comparison of flat files (JSON)"
- "Comparison of flat files (YAML)"
- "Comparison of nested files with stylish format"
- "Comparison of nested files with plain format"
- "Comparison of nested files with json format"
You should have Node.js installed before proceeding. Only test JS against v18 and on macOS.
# Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/Teihden/frontend-project-46
cd frontend-project-46
# Install dependencies
make install
# Run
make gendiff
# Runs npm-publish with flag (--dry-run)
make publish
# Runs Eslint against source code for quality
make lint
# Runs Jest
make test
# Runs Jest in code coverage mode
make test-coverage
# Runs Jest in watch mode
make watch