some zero knowledge circuit implementations using Gnark framework
- cosmos-sdk supports secp256k1 curve ecdsa signature scheme
- gnark also has an implementation of the same but there is no way to generate gnark PrivateKey from sdk private key so use this fork instead,
An inclusion proof verification circuit
Data (index of data segment to be proven, IS THERE A WAY TO VERIFY IF THE LEAF DATA MATCHES DATA SEGMENT AT INDEX??), merkleProof as inputs
merkle.verify(data, merkleproof)
A simple Mimc Hash function verifier with BN254 curve
Hash(data) == Expected Hash
An eddsa signature verfication that checks if a digital signature is valid or not pubkey.verify(data, signature)
data is private input and pubkey, signature are public inputs
Note: Signature circuit is refactored to have separate prover and verifier. It could be used as a complete example flow.
- A circuit which requests an endpoint for some data and uses that data for some operations
- For this to work as expected, the api needs to DETERMINISTIC (an endpoint should return same reponse no matter how many times it's called) !
- It's like a pure function
- If the endpoint returns different response, it will lead inconsistency error when compiling the circuit
- Tried to check hashing compatibility of gnark sha2 implementation with crypto/256. Failed!
- To check if we can directly compare circuit variables without using assert. Failed!
- A Zk circuit doesn't support if statement, but we can use api.Select{} for somewhat similar effect
// this is equivalent to toAdd1 := circuit.A_Support == 1 ? circuit.A : 0
toAdd1 := api.Select(circuit.A_Support, circuit.A, 0)
A simple circuit that check cube of a number
x^3 == y
X is the private input and y is the public input