
Nothing fancy, Just a simple habit tracking application on the cli I made while learning Rust.

Primary LanguageRust

Habitron - A CLI Habit Tracker

Nothing fancy, Just a simple habit tracking application on the cli I made while learning Rust. It incorporates all the basic habit tracking concepts like

  • adding habits
  • counting habit streaks
  • removing streaks on a day gap
  • Saving the habits to a external json file.
  • Marking the habits daily as done
  1. Setup and Dependencies:
  • clap for command-line argument parsing.
  • chrono for date and time handling.
  • serde and serde_json for serialization and deserialization.
  1. CLI Structure:
  • Cli struct parses the command-line arguments.
  • Commands enum defines the possible subcommands (Add, Done, List).
  1. Habit Management:
  • Habit struct represents a habit with its name, streak, and the last done date.
  • load_habits function loads habits from a JSON file.
  • save_habits function saves habits to a JSON file.
  1. Subcommand Handling:
  • Add: Adds a new habit if it doesn't already exist.
  • Done: Marks a habit as done for today, increments the streak if it's a new day.
  • List: Lists all the habits with their current streaks and last done dates.
  1. Running the CLI:
  • Add a habit: cargo run -- add "Exercise"
  • Mark a habit as done: cargo run -- done "Exercise"
  • List habits: cargo run -- list