
Image Stitching on key-frames extracted from video

Primary LanguagePython


To run the demo enter:

$ python test.py --choice <1-5>

Result image will be saved in result directory with name "note_[opencv_version]_[choice].jpg". Also key frames used for stitching will be stored under "key-frames" directory. The choice parameter is for selecting particular pair of feature detector and descriptor.

Here's the table:

| Choice 	| Feature detector 	| Feature Descriptor 	| Note            	|
|--------	|------------------	|--------------------	|-----------------	|
| 1      	| SIFT             	| SIFT               	| -               	|
| 2      	| SURF             	| SURF               	| without Upright 	|
| 3      	| SURF             	| SURF               	| with Upright    	|
| 4      	| STAR             	| BRIEF              	| -               	|
| 5      	| ORB              	| ORB                	| -               	|

For e.g. To run demo with SIFT detector and descriptor use:

$ python test.py --choice 1

In order to run this demo your system must have following packages:


Key Frames

Stitching Results Based On User's Choice <1-5>