
TensorRT-5 based inference engine in Python

Primary LanguagePython


TensorRT-5 based inference engine in Python


This is a POC project. Aim of this project is to get acquinted with use of TensorRT api in Python3.

The project includes

1. Tensorflow script to train a Lenet Classifier.

2. Python Webserver script to host a REST api to perform inference.

3. Client script to do concurrent requests to REST api to check inference performance.


 $ python3 train_lenet.py

This will train a LeNet classifier, convert it to UFF format and save to disk

 $ python3 infer_lenet.py

This will help you to understand how to run the model using TensorRT.

  $ python3 api_server.py

This will host a flask server which will accept http POST reuests to perform inference.

  $ python3 client.py

This script will do concurrent requests to REST api hosted on localhost:5000/predict.

Num of concurrent requests can be changed by changing max_workers in the script.

While working with Pycuda, I found that it takes around 2 sec send a POST request --> perform inference on 1 image -> return results.

Hence, to get higher throughput I changed the batch size from 1 to 1024, 2048, 4096 etc.

BATCH_SIZE variable in api_server.py will help you set up thebatch size for inference.

Hence, for every POST request I send to the api, TensorRT is given BATCH_SIZE no of images to infer, making sure we get higher throughput.

On my laptop with Nvidia 940MX I was able to infer 4096 images (each of size 28*28) in 7.762 sec


TensorRT 5 can be downloaded from here

Installation instructions are present : here

I highly recommend reading Developer Guide for TensorRT 5 before going through this project's code.