
Node.js application serving a chat-room

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This project is a node.js application serving a chat-room where people can be joined by their names. People who are online are shown aside. I've also deployed this node app on Heroku.


  • node.js / npm
  • socket.io
  • express
  • ejs
  • nodemon


  • Download and run npm install.
  • Then, run locally, npm start.
  • Go the localhost server with port 8000.
  • Open different sessions while running, fix usernames and start chatting.
  • In case, you wanted to add your own IP address, update index.js like this example:
var server = app.listen(port, "", function(){
	console.log('Listening to requests on port ' + port);
  • Also, in continuation of above point, please update public/js/chat.js also with your IP address and port number as below:
var socket = io.connect("");