
Primary LanguageJava



Arrowkeys for movement X for attack Z for interact


To configure XML, look at the current XML files. Your xml for monster files should have the following tags:

<NPCType id=(Any number/Redacted)> 10 (max health of NPC) (Path to the imageSprite the NPC should use) 2 (how far the weapon should reach) 100 (Delay between attacks, in ms) 32, 32 (Size of the NPC, should not be changed)

<movementPattern>2(what AI the NPC uses)</movementPattern>
<movementSpeed>1 (speed of the NPC movement) </movementSpeed>

To place a monster, create an interactive layer npc and place an object in the map. Give the object a property by the name "npcType" without quotationmarks and where the name of the XML file is given as value, e.g "StandardEnemy".


To compile the project the VM needs to be supplied with the argument "-Djava.library.path=lib/"

Sprites for characters

How to change Sprite for PlayerView: Create your sprite using Tiled : mapeditor.org You will need 4 direcitons. and each direciton will use an equal number of tiles. for example a row in tiled can look like


where the first 2 'D' tiles are used for the down animation
'R' right
'U' up
'L' left

Example: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/19786811/Screenshot%202014-04-06%2022.44.08.png

observe that you can use as many images for each direction as you want aslong as all directions use an equal number of images
IMPORTANT: name your layer: "sprite"