
Tekl.de – Dictionary plugins for macOS

Primary LanguageRuby

Tekl.de – Dictionary plugins for macOS

How do I install these formulae?

OpenThesaurus Deutsch dictionary plugin

brew install tekl/dictionaries/openthesaurus-deutsch

Or brew tap tekl/dictionaries and then brew install openthesaurus-deutsch.

For more details about the plugin look at: https://github.com/Tekl/openthesaurus-deutsch

BeoLingus Deutsch-Englisch dictionary plugin

brew install tekl/dictionaries/beolingus-deutsch-englisch

Or brew tap tekl/dictionaries and then brew install beolingus-deutsch-englisch.

For more details about the plugin look at: https://github.com/Tekl/beolingus-deutsch-englisch


brew help, man brew or check Homebrew's documentation.