AmaliTech wants a system which will help the company to digitalise its processes end to end. You have been contracted to build an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software for the company. The ERP system consists of three parts

  1. ARMS (Uses MVC for its operations but exposes an API for consumption by payroll)
  2. Payroll back-end (payroll API)
  3. Payroll front-end (consumes the payroll API) ARMS

The administrator of the system should be able to:

  1. create a user with the fields listed below a. first name b. last name c. other names (optional) d. gender e. email f. hire date g. department other user information includes monthly salary, phone number and bank account number. Assign the user a default password to start with.
  2. update the details of an existing employee
  3. delete an employee (soft deletes)
  4. generate payroll for the month (the payroll API should handle generation) Payroll back-end

At the end of every month, when the admin clicks the generate payroll button. The payroll API should save user information such as name, email, basic salary, employee SSF (5% of basic salary), the sum of all bonuses, and department (all for the current month) for each user on the ARMS system (payroll fetches the employee data from ARMS).

Additionally, the payroll backend should be able to

  1. create an allowance type
  2. create a bonus type
  3. create a bonus for an employee for the current month (bonus type and amount) Payroll front-end The payroll front-end consumes the ARMS API, which in turn consumes the Payroll API. Steps involved
  4. The payroll front-end makes a request to the ARMS API
  5. The ARMS API makes a request to the payroll API
  6. The payroll API returns the requested data to the ARMS API
  7. The ARMS API returns the requested data to the payroll front-end 5. The payroll front-end renders the data

There should be a bonus section to add a bonus for an employee. (This data is stored on the payroll database). This section should also contain a list of employees with a monthly bonus (information comes from payroll). There should be a payroll section which displays all the payroll data for the month. Admin should be able to select a past month and see generated data. It should show the current month by default (this information comes from payroll).


• PHP Laravel (back-end)

• Vuejs (front-end)

• MySQL (database)


• Java Spring boot

• Postgres (database)



Document the payroll API with swagger Write unit tests for the ARMS backend and the payroll API Use the Sonarlint extension Use version control (Git and GitHub) NOTE: During the review, I’ll primarily consider your back-end code, especially the payroll API. Don’t worry too much about having a beautiful front-end. For this project, functionality matters more.


PAYROLL API : http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html