- albertoflorez
- alrooney
- alzhaoGL Technologies
- ArifAlam
- bacnh85Vietnam
- barhomSweden
- behradyShoelace Wireless
- blogic
- bobkressinKS Technologies
- brsisr@intel @inango @maxlinear
- buts101
- charlesboyoLagos, Nigeria and elsewhere around Earth
- cicook
- clayfaceCarrickfergus, Northern Ireland
- courtland
- dkalogInstitute of Computer and Communication Systems
- ferrancanellas@Fundacio-i2CAT
- govardhanDublin
- imuneerDubai
- jechuang
- jow-Leipzig
- mbrutman
- mgonzalezo
- mrincM.R. Inc
- MuteSpiritInango Systems Ltd.
- njonty
- rakeshmukundan
- saurabhchakrabarti
- shimmy568
- ShodocanUberlândia
- simonwunderlichGermany
- slippinpraty
- stephb9959
- tomderham
- tydelVancouver, Canada
- venkatchimataNearhop Internet Technologies Private Limited