In this lesson, let's put our knowledge about data science to the test. We will have access to functions in the error, graph and linear equations libraries that we previously wrote.
This is our task. We are an employee for Good Lion Studios. For Good Lion, our job is first to gather, explore, and format our data so that we can build a regression line of this data. Then we will work through various attempts of building out these regression lines. By the end of this lab, we should have a working version that we can proudly show to our manager.
- Review how to use built-in functions, like filter and map, to clean data
- Evaluate the quality of regression lines using Residual Sum of Squares (RSS)
- Review how RSS changes with varying values of slope and y-intercept of a regression line
- Implement gradient descent to find a "best fit" regression line
This lesson is an opportunity to review the concepts explained in our introduction to machine learning section and practice what we recently learned about gradient descent to find an optimal regression line.
Use the round method: For many of the methods, we round down the return value to two decimal places. We can do so by using the round function, as in round(12.1212, 2) to round 12.1212 to 12.12. We did this to allow for slight differences between our results and expectations. So when we see our data differing from the expectation in the tests, check if using the round function helps.
First, let's get some movies from the FiveThirtyEight dataset provided here. The code below parses this data from the csv file and saves it to the movies
variable as a list of dictionaries.
import pandas
def parse_file(fileName):
movies_df = pandas.read_csv(fileName)
return movies_df.to_dict('records')
movies = parse_file('')
type(movies) # list
len(movies) # 1794
As you can see, this list is full of 1794 dictionaries, each one representing a movie.
Let's take a look at that first movie in the dataset.
Here we can see the data available for each movie. The information most relevant for our task is:
is the budget adjusted for inflation in 2013 dollarsdomgross_2013$
is the domestic revenue adjusted for inflation in 2013 dollarsintgross_2013$
is the international revenue adjusted for inflation in 2013 dollars
Now, let's look at the values associated with these attributes. The first movie looks good since it has nice data for each of these attributes. Unfortunately, the data for some other movies might not be so fun to play with. Let's remove the movies whose domgross_2013
points to values of nan
, which stands for "not a number". This data is missing. There are only a few pieces of missing data here, so we can safely remove these movies without causing too much damage.
import math
list(filter(lambda movie: math.isnan(movie['domgross_2013$']), movies))
Write a function called remove_movies_missing_data
that returns the subset of movies that don't have nan
To do so, you can import the math library and make use of the
method. More information about this method can be found here.
import math
def remove_movies_missing_data(movies):
parsed_movies = remove_movies_missing_data(movies) or []
After writing the remove_movies_missing_data
function, notice that we have reduced the number of movies down from 1794 to 1776 movies.
len(parsed_movies) # 1776
Also, we can see that no movies with a domgross_2013
value of nan
are included.
list(filter(lambda movie: math.isnan(movie['domgross_2013$']),parsed_movies)) # []
Currently, our data has some very large numbers:
It takes some time to figure out the number above is 13 million. It would be frustrating to count all of the zeros whenever we come across another set of movie budgets and revenues.
To make things simpler, let's divide both our budget and revenue numbers for each movie by 1 million. It will make some of our future calculations easier to interpret. The attributes that we can scale down are budget
, budget_2013$
, domgross
, domgross_2013$
, intgross
, and intgross_2013$
Write a function called scale_down_movie
that can take an element from our movies list and return that same movie but with the budget
, budget_2013$
, domgross
, domgross_2013$
, intgross
, and intgross_2013$
numbers all divided by 1 million and rounded to two decimal places.
def scale_down_movie(movie):
Ok, now that we have a function to scale down our movies, lets map
through all of our parsed_movies
to return a list of scaled_movies
def scale_down_movies(movies):
first_ten_movies = parsed_movies[0:10]
first_ten_scaled = scale_down_movies(first_ten_movies) or []
# [{'binary': 'PASS', 'budget': 13.0,
# 'budget_2013$': 13.0,
# 'clean_test': 'ok',
# 'code': '2013PASS',
# 'decade code': 1.0,
# 'domgross': 18.01,
# 'domgross_2013$': 18.01,
# 'imdb': 'tt1814621',
# 'intgross': 18.01,
# 'intgross_2013$': 18.01,
# 'period code': 1.0,
# 'test': 'ok',
# 'title': 'Admission',
# 'year': 2013},
# {'binary': 'FAIL',
# 'budget': 130.0,
# 'budget_2013$': 130.0,
# 'clean_test': 'notalk',
# 'code': '2013FAIL',
# 'decade code': 1.0,
# 'domgross': 60.52,
# 'domgross_2013$': 60.52,
# 'imdb': 'tt1815862',
# 'intgross': 244.37,
# 'intgross_2013$': 244.37,
# 'period code': 1.0,
# 'test': 'notalk',
# 'title': 'After Earth',
# 'year': 2013}]
scaled_movies = scale_down_movies(parsed_movies) or []
Now let's plot our dataset using Plotly to see how much money a movie made domestically in 2013 dollars given a budget in 2013 dollars. Create a trace called revenues_per_budgets_trace
that plots this data.
To do so, set
as the$x$ values, and thedomgross_2013$
as the$y$ values. Set the text of the trace equal to a list of the movie titles, so that we can see which movie is associated with each point. All of the data should be coming from ourscaled_movies
budgets = list(map(lambda movie: movie['budget_2013$'], scaled_movies))
domestic_revenues = list(map(lambda movie: movie['domgross_2013$'], scaled_movies))
titles = list(map(lambda movie: movie['title'], scaled_movies))
We'll check the first ten values of the budgets
, domestic_revenues
, and titles
lists, but your trace should have an element for each of the scaled_movies
in the dataset.
budgets[0:10] # [13.0, 45.66, 20.0, 61.0, 40.0, 225.0, 92.0, 12.0, 13.0, 130.0]
domestic_revenues[0:10] # [25.68, 13.61, 53.11, 75.61, 95.02, 38.36, 67.35, 15.32, 18.01, 60.52]
# ['21 & Over', 'Dredd 3D', '12 Years a Slave', '2 Guns', '42', '47 Ronin', 'A Good Day to Die Hard',
# 'About Time', 'Admission', 'After Earth']
Once we have lists of these values, we are ready to create a trace. The following code creates a trace with the x values set as the budgets
, the y values set as the domestic_revenues
, and the text set as each of the movie titles
from graph import trace_values
revenues_per_budgets_trace = trace_values(budgets, domestic_revenues, text = titles)
Once we have written the above code, we'll be ready to plot this data. Press shift + enter on the code below and you should see all movies in a graph.
from graph import plot
from plotly.offline import iplot, init_notebook_mode
Look at that one datapoint that earned well over 1.5 billion dollars. What movie is that?
Write a function called highest_domestic_gross
that finds the highest grossing movie given a list of movies.
def highest_domestic_gross(movies):
max_movie = highest_domestic_gross(scaled_movies) or {'title': 'some non movie'}
max_movie['title'] # 'Star Wars'
Huh, well we should've known. Now let's zoom in on our dataset so that our plot no longer expands for just a few of the outliers. We will set the x-axis of our plot to go from zero to 300 million dollars, and the y-axis of our plot to go from zero to one billion dollars.
from graph import build_layout
revenues_per_budgets_trace = trace_values(budgets, domestic_revenues, text = titles)
revenues_layout = build_layout(x_range = [0, 300], y_range = [0, 1000])
plot([revenues_per_budgets_trace], revenues_layout)
Ok, well at least we have a closer look at our data. We still see Titanic up in the top right corner.
Ok, now that we have collected and explored this data, our company hired an outside consultant to create a model that predicts revenue for us. The consultant provided us with the following:
- where
$x$ is a movie's budget in 2013 dollars, and$R(x)$ is the expected revenue in 2013 dollars.
Write a function called outside_consultant_predicted_revenue
that, provided a budget, returns the expected revenue according to the outside consultant's formula.
def outside_consultant_predicted_revenue(budget):
Let's plot the consultant estimated revenue to see visually if his estimates line up. We will call this trace external consultant estimate
budgets = list(map(lambda movie: movie['budget_2013$'], scaled_movies))
domestic_revenues = list(map(lambda movie: movie['domgross_2013$'], scaled_movies))
titles = list(map(lambda movie: movie['title'], scaled_movies))
consultant_estimated_revenues = list(map(lambda budget: outside_consultant_predicted_revenue(budget),budgets))
consultant_estimated_revenues_trace = trace_values(budgets, consultant_estimated_revenues, mode='line', name = 'external consultant estimate')
from plotly.offline import iplot, init_notebook_mode
from graph import trace_values, m_b_trace, plot
plot([revenues_per_budgets_trace, consultant_estimated_revenues_trace], revenues_layout)
Overall, the model doesn't look too bad. However, we can calculate the RSS to quantify how accurate his model really is.
Let's write a method called error_for_consultant_model
which takes in a budget of a movie in our dataset, and returns the difference between the movie's gross domestic revenue in 2013 dollars, and the prediction from the consultant's model.
def error_for_consultant_model(movie):
american_hustle = {'binary': 'PASS', 'budget': 40.0, 'budget_2013$': 40.0, 'clean_test': 'ok',
'code': '2013PASS', 'decade code': 1.0, 'domgross': 148.43, 'domgross_2013$': 148.43, 'imdb': 'tt1800241',
'intgross': 249.48, 'intgross_2013$': 249.48, 'period code': 1.0, 'test': 'ok-disagree',
'title': 'American Hustle', 'year': 2013}
error_for_consultant_model(american_hustle) # 78.43
Once haven written a formula that calculates the error for the consultant's model provided a budget, we can write a method that calculates the RSS for the consultant's model. When we move onto compare our consultant's model with others, we'll then have a metric for comparison.
def rss_consultant(movies):
rss_consultant(scaled_movies) # 23234357.68
Ok, we'll find out if this number is any good later, but for right now let's just say that our RSS is good enough. Use the derivative to write a function that provided a budget, returns the
Now imagine a data scientist in your company wants to take a crack at his own model for predicting a movie's revenue. The data scientist notices, that in general, movies tend to make more money per year.
from graph import build_layout
years = list(map(lambda movie: movie['year'],movies))
years_and_revenues = trace_values(years, domestic_revenues, text = titles)
years_layout = build_layout(y_range = [0, 550])
plot([years_and_revenues], years_layout)
So the data scientist comes up with a new model, to indicate a movie's expected revenue is 1.5 million for every year after 1965 plus 1.1 times the movie's budget. Write a function called revenue_with_year
that takes as arguments budget
and year
and returns expected revenue.
def revenue_with_year(budget, year):
revenue_with_year(25, 1997) # 75.5
revenue_with_year(40, 1983) # 71.0
Notice that this model has two variables, the budget and year, and therefore is not a line function. Let's compare these models by plotting the actual revenues and budgets, the prior external consultant estimate
line trace, and the internal consultant estimate
based upon this model's estimates. Since this model doesn't produce a line, we will set the mode for internal_consultant_estimated_trace
to 'markers'.
budgets = list(map(lambda movie: movie['budget_2013$'], scaled_movies))
domestic_revenues = list(map(lambda movie: movie['domgross_2013$'], scaled_movies))
titles = list(map(lambda movie: movie['title'], scaled_movies))
internal_consultant_estimated_revenues = list(map(lambda movie: revenue_with_year(movie['budget_2013$'], movie['year']),scaled_movies))
internal_consultant_estimated_trace = trace_values(budgets, internal_consultant_estimated_revenues, mode='markers', name = 'internal consultant estimate')
internal_consultant_estimated_trace['x'][0:10] # [13.0, 45.66, 20.0, 61.0, 40.0, 225.0, 92.0, 12.0, 13.0, 130.0]
internal_consultant_estimated_trace['y'][0:10] # [86.3, 120.726, 94.0, 139.10000000000002, 116.0, 319.5, 173.2, 85.2, 86.3, 215.0]
internal_consultant_estimated_trace['mode'] # 'markers'
from plotly.offline import iplot, init_notebook_mode
from graph import trace_values, m_b_trace, plot
plot([revenues_per_budgets_trace, consultant_estimated_revenues_trace, internal_consultant_estimated_trace], revenues_layout)
Although the external consultant model
isn't a line, it still seems to match our data fairly well. Let's find out how well. Even though it is not a line, we can still calculate the RSS for this model. Write a function called rss_revenue_with_year
that returns the Residual Sum of Squares associated with the revenue_with_year
model for the scaled_movies
dataset. The squared_error_revenue_with_year
function can be used to return the squared error of the model associated with just a single movie.
def squared_error_revenue_with_year(movie):
def rss_revenue_with_year(movies):
rss_revenue_with_year(scaled_movies) # 25364329.23
The RSS here is
Now that we have evaluated the models of an outside consultant and an internal consultant, it's time to see if we can do any better. Let's go.
We have our dataset. Let's begin with an initial regression line that sets
from linear_equations import build_regression_line
budgets = list(map(lambda movie: movie['budget_2013$'], scaled_movies)) or [1, 2]
domestic_revenues = list(map(lambda movie: movie['domgross_2013$'], scaled_movies)) or [1, 2]
initial_regression_line = {'b': 0.5, 'm': 1.79}
Using values for expected_revenue_per_budget
that returns the expected revenue provided a budget.
def expected_revenue_per_budget(budget):
budget = american_hustle['budget_2013$'] # 40.0
expected_revenue_per_budget(budget) # 72.1
Now this initial regression line was not very sophisticated. We simply drew a line between the points with the lowest and highest
Let's plot our initial regression line along our dataset to get a sense of the accuracy of this first line.
budgets = list(map(lambda movie: movie['budget_2013$'], scaled_movies))
estimated_revenues = list(map(lambda budget: expected_revenue_per_budget(budget), budgets))
initial_regression_trace = trace_values(budgets, estimated_revenues, mode = 'line', name = 'initial regression trace')
plot([revenues_per_budgets_trace, initial_regression_trace], revenues_layout)
By now we should be able to guess the next step: quantify how well this line matches our data. We'll write a function called regression_revenue_error
that, provided a movie and an m
and b
value of a regression line, returns the difference between our initial_regression_lines
's expected revenue and the actual revenue error.
def regression_revenue_error(m, b, movie):
american_hustle = {'binary': 'PASS', 'budget': 40.0, 'budget_2013$': 40.0, 'clean_test': 'ok',
'code': '2013PASS', 'decade code': 1.0, 'domgross': 148.43, 'domgross_2013$': 148.43, 'imdb': 'tt1800241',
'intgross': 249.48, 'intgross_2013$': 249.48, 'period code': 1.0, 'test': 'ok-disagree',
'title': 'American Hustle', 'year': 2013}
regression_revenue_error(initial_regression_line['m'], initial_regression_line['b'], american_hustle)
# 76.33
Ok, now plot the cost curve from changing values of
We don't ask you to write a function for calculating the RSS, as you already wrote one in the error library which is available to you, and you can see used here.
from error import residual_sum_squares
residual_sum_squares(budgets, domestic_revenues, initial_regression_line['m'], initial_regression_line['b'])
But we do ask you to plot a cost curve from 1.0, to 1.9 using that residual_sum_squares
function. We start off with a list of values of m from 1.0 to 1.9, assigned to m_range
large_m_range = list(range(10, 20))
m_range = list(map(lambda m_value: m_value/10,large_m_range))
Now we need to calculate a list of RSS values associated with each value in the m_range
cost_values = list(map(lambda m_value: round(residual_sum_squares(budgets, domestic_revenues, m_value, initial_regression_line['b']), 2),m_range))
from graph import trace_values
rss_trace = trace_values(x_values=m_range, y_values=cost_values, mode = 'line')
Ok, so based on this, it appears that with our
residual_sum_squares(budgets, domestic_revenues, 1.3, initial_regression_line['b'])
Ok, now it's time to move beyond testing the accuracy of the line with changing only a single variable. We need to play with both variables to find the 'best fit regression line'. As we know, the technique for that is to use gradient descent.
Remember that we derived our gradient formulas by starting with our cost function, and saying the RSS is a function of our
From the above formula for our cost curve, we found the gradient descent of the cost function, as that is used to find the incremental changes to decrease RSS. We do this mathematically, by taking the partial derivative with respect to
Looking at our top function regression_revenue_error
that returns the error at a given point when provided our
Our task now is two write a function called b_gradient
that takes in values of b
gradient, which is -2 times the sum of the errors for the dataset.
def b_gradient(m, b, movies):
b_gradient(1.79, 0.50, scaled_movies) # 5.37
Next, write a function called m_gradient
that returns the m
gradient for values of
def m_gradient(m, b, movies):
m_gradient(1.79, 0.50, scaled_movies) # 2520.59
Notice that the
is significantly larger than theb_gradient
. This makes sense since them_gradient
formula is similar to theb_gradient
formula, except that its output is also multiplied by the corresponding$x$ value.
Ok, now we just wrote two functions that tell us how to update the corresponding values of step_gradient
that will use these functions to take the step down along our cost curve.
Remember that with each step we want to move our current_b
value in the negative direction of calculated b_gradient
, and want to move our current_m
value in the negative direction of the calculated m_gradient
= old_m
$ - \eta(-2*\sum_{i=1}^n x_i*\epsilon_i )$
= old_b
$ - \eta( -2*\sum_{i=1}^n \epsilon_i )$
The step_gradient
function would take as arguments the b_current
, m_current
, the list of scaled movies, and a learning rate, and returns a newly calculated b_current
and m_current
with a dictionary of keys b
and m
that point to the current values.
def step_gradient(b_current, m_current, movies, learning_rate):
initial_regression_line # {'b': 0.5, 'm': 1.79}
Then let's see how our formula changes over time using gradient descent.
step_gradient(initial_regression_line['b'], initial_regression_line['m'], scaled_movies, .0001)
Now write a function that can operate given a set of 100 iterations and start from our initial_regression_line
# set our initial step with m and b values, and the corresponding error.
def generate_steps(m, b, number_of_steps, movies, learning_rate):
# iterations = []
# for i in range(number_of_steps):
# iteration = step_gradient(b, m, movies, learning_rate)
# # {'b': value, 'm': value}
# b = iteration['b']
# m = iteration['m']
# # update values of b and m
# iterations.append(iteration)
# return iterations
iterations = generate_steps(initial_regression_line['b'], initial_regression_line['m'], 100, scaled_movies, .0001) or [{'m': 'uncomment generate_steps method', 'b': 'uncomment generate_steps method '}]
And we can see how this changes over time.
def to_line(m, b):
initial_x = 0
ending_x = 500
initial_y = m*initial_x + b
ending_y = m*ending_x + b
return {'data': [{'x': [initial_x, ending_x], 'y': [initial_y, ending_y]}]}
frames = list(map(lambda iteration: to_line(iteration['m'], iteration['b']),iterations))
from plotly.offline import init_notebook_mode, iplot
from IPython.display import display, HTML
budgets = list(map(lambda movie: movie['budget_2013$'], scaled_movies))
domestic_revenues = list(map(lambda movie: movie['domgross_2013$'], scaled_movies))
figure = {'data': [{'x': [0], 'y': [0]}, {'x': budgets, 'y': domestic_revenues, 'mode': 'markers'}],
'layout': {'title': 'Regression Line',
'updatemenus': [{'type': 'buttons',
'buttons': [{'label': 'Play',
'method': 'animate',
'args': [None]}]}]
'frames': frames}
Finally, let's calculate the RSS associated with our formula as opposed to the other.
iterations[-1] # {'b': 1.8, 'm': 1.37}
residual_sum_squares(budgets, domestic_revenues, iterations[-1]['m'], iterations[-1]['b'])
Using this last iteration, we have an RSS
external_consultant_model = rss_consultant(scaled_movies)
internal_consultant_model = rss_revenue_with_year(scaled_movies)
our_regression_model = residual_sum_squares(budgets, domestic_revenues, iterations[-1]['m'], iterations[-1]['b'])
external_consultant_model # 23234357.68
internal_consultant_model # 25364329.23
our_regression_model # 21982786.34
Nice work!