
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Getting Started

1. You can start by cloning the repository on your local machine by running:

git clone https://github.com/snphq/react-starter-boilerplate
cd react-starter-boilerplate

2. Install all of the dependencies:


3. Build app for first for producing correct webpack-assets.json:

yarn build

3. Start to run it:

yarn start:production    # Building bundle and running production server

Now the app should be running at http://localhost:8080/

NPM Script Commands

yarn <script> Description
start Run your app on the development server at localhost:3000. HMR will be enabled.
start:production Bundle files to ./public/assets and run it on the production server at localhost:8080.
start:prod Run your app on the production server only at localhost:8080.
build Remove the previous bundled files and bundle it to ./public/assets.
lint Lint all .js and .scss files.
lint:js Lint all .js files.
lint:style Lint all .scss files.
clean:all Remove the client/server bundled stuff and the coverage report.
clean:build Remove the ./public/assets folder to clean the client bundled files.