
Hearthstone card library and deck builder created by Vue.js and vue-cli

Primary LanguageVue

Hearthstone vue project

Hearthstone deck library and deck builder created by Vue.js and vue-cli

Hearthstone module in components/hs.vue


  • Self API (md based on mongoDB)
  • Russian lang and cards
  • Search with auto complete
  • Locate images on my own server to improve loading speed
  • Images preloader
  • Normal design
  • App animations
  • Optimization

UPDATED 19.10.18

Rewrite with vue-cli 3, element-ui, add eslint, progressive images, grid, delete govnokod

Build Setup

# install dependencies

# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
yarn dev

# build for production with minification
yarn build

# lint all *.js and *.vue files
yarn lint

For more information see the docs for vueify.