YouTube Music Player Plugin using Django and React

  • Integration of Django and React


  • Django REST framework for a powerful API✔
  • Django ORM for interacting with the database✔
  • PostgreSQL✔

How to Run locally 🚀

- Install Dependencies after creating and activating virtual environement

To create python virtual environment

    python -m venv <name_of_virtualenv>


    $ pip install -r requirements/local.txt

- Create .env file in config and put variables for Secret Key and Database (PostgreSQL) as created in sample.env file

    $ python makemigrations
    $ python migrate

- Install dependencies in frontend app using following commands in separate terminal
- First make sure you have installed Node.js, I used v15.10.0 while developing this setup. For More info
- In another terminal CD into frontend directory
- Then run following commands in the frontend directory where the package.json file is located

    $ yarn
    $ yarn dev

- After that you should keep running this terminal as this is automatically compiling the react.js code in single file main.js
- Then Run the following command in previous terminal to load frontend react app on django server

    $ python runserver
  • React app available at http://localhost:8000/
  • API root available at http://localhost:8000/api/
  • Admin available at http://localhost:8000/admin/