libwnck ======= libwnck is Window Navigator Construction Kit, i.e. a library to use for writing pagers and taskslists and stuff. libwnck is not supported in the devel platform, which means OS vendors won't guarantee the API/ABI long-term, but authors of open source apps should feel free to use libwnck as users can always recompile against a new version. The API/ABI has historically changed very little: we are not changing it gratuitously or without soname increments. Documentation for the API is available with gtk-doc. The code implementing the tasklist or pager widgets (tasklist.c and pager.c) can also be used as sample code. You may download updates to the package from: To discuss libwnck, you may use the desktop-devel-list mailing list: Installation ============ See the file 'INSTALL'. If you are not using a released version of libwnck (for example, if you checked out the code from git), you first need to run './'. How to report bugs ================== Bugs should be reported to the GNOME bug tracking system: (product libwnck) You will need to create an account for yourself. Please read the following page on how to prepare a useful bug report: Please read the HACKING file for information on where to send changes or bugfixes for this package.