
I create this discord vanity url sniper because nobody create it and bypass system ratelimit :)

Primary LanguageJavaScript



  • NodeJS !
  • 9x bot discord added on your discord vanity with permission !
  • 1x bot for manage sniper
  • List with some proxies

How to use

  • 1° Create 9x bot and add them to your discord and give them admin permission
  • 2° Put the token of the 9 bot in the config.json (token_switcher)
  • 3° Create a main bot for all basic commands (!start-snipe & !stop-snipe)
  • 4° Change the id of the success channel to receive a message when you succeeded to snipe the url
  • 5° Add proxies in the list.txt file you can find easily (https://proxyscrape.com/free-proxy-list) it is mandatory to have HTTP proxies
  • 6° Installing the depandance (discord.js & moment-timezone & node-fetch & https-proxy-agent)
  • 7° Run the script with the argument list.txt (node index.js list.txt)
  • 8° Go to your discord and start sniping URLs ! Have fun !
