
TypeScript Node Editor

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

TypeScript Node Editor

Note: This is a work in progress.

Build self contained TypeScript friendly scripts that can be modified with a no-code node editor.

  • 0 dependencies (TypeScript is an assumed peer dependency)
  • No middle layer format. TS files are the source of truth.

Node editors are generally used when visual dipiction of a flow of events would be better understood. Examples include:

  • Describing dialog interaction with various branching.
    • Since these may loop back the nodes can be easier followed.
  • Data processing flows where nodes process data.


npm install ts-node-editor

In the package.json add a line in scripts: "editor": "ts-node-editor"

npm run editor

Any file starting with import type { Node } is assumed to be a function defining a node or a script.


The node editor is split into Nodes and Scripts TypeScript files.

  • Nodes are modular self contained functions.
  • Scripts are a braching of nodes and the TypeScript files are what your parent application will execute.


Generated scripts can either be imported normally or dynamically. The Hello World example adds a message to the state.

const { run } = await import('./scripts/helloWorld');
const state = await run({
    name: 'John'
// Map(2) {'name' => 'John', 'message' => 'Hello John!'}

This simple example makes use of the setState function to update or set a variable's state.

npm run editor src/scripts/helloWorld.ts

In the editor the Hello ${name}! gets transformed into a string literal pulling the state.get('name') value.


Every node script starts with the same line importing the Node type (an alias for number);

import type { Node } from './node';

Define a node by exporting a named function.

  • myNode - The name of the method can be anything.
  • state - An optional Map type of shared state passed between nodes.
  • nodes - An optional list of nodes connect to the top right of the node
 * My Node Name
export function myNode({ state, nodes }: {
    state: Map<string, any>
    nodes: Node[]
}): Node[] {


All node functions must return an array of nodes. Always return [0] instead of an empty array to ensure noop correctly loop back.

    return nodes;


get    api/
    comments: [
        { $x: 1, $y: 10, $width: 10, $height: 10, text: 'Describe the script use here.' },
    nodes: [
        { $type: 'entry', $x: 1, $y: 1, $width: 2, $height: 2, nodes: [1] },
        { $type: 'function', $name: 'coinFlip', $x: 3, $y: 2, $width: 6, $height: 6, t: [2], f: [3] },
        { $type: 'function', $name: 'log', $x: 10, $y: 2, $width: 6, $height: 6, text: 'Heads' },
        { $type: 'function', $name: 'log', $x: 10, $y: 7, $width: 6, $height: 6, text: 'Tails' }
        { $type: 'import', $x: 10, $y: 7, $width: 6, $height: 6, src: 'helloWorld.ts', path: ['src', 'scripts'] }

delete api/comment/0
patch  api/comment/0 { text: 'Updated value.' }
delete api/comment/0
post   api/comment

get    api/node/2
delete api/node/2
post   api/node/2    { $x: 1, $y, 2, $width: 10, $height: 10 }
patch  api/node/2    { nodes: [2, 4] }

get    api/scripts
    name: 'src', directory: [{
        name: 'script', directory: [{
            name: 'script1.ts'
post   api/script
    path: ['src', 'scripts']
    file: 'filename.ts'

TS Wrapper

Editing scripts outside of the UI can be done with the node utility.

import { Script } from 'ts-node-editor';

const script = new Script();
// script.fromString();
const comments = script.getComments();
const index = script.addComment({
    $x: 1,
    $y: 2,
    $width: 10,
    $height: 10,
    text: 'Awesome!'
script.updateComment(1, {
    text: 'New comment text'
const nodes = script.getNodes();
const index = script.addNode({
    $name: 'coinFlip',
    $x: 1,
    $y: 2,
    $width: 10,
    $height: 10,
    t: [2, 4],
    f: [5]
script.updateNode(2, {
    $x: 1,
    $y: 2
// script.toString();