
usage: mkinitfs [-nKklLh] [-b basedir] [-o outfile] [-t tempdir]
		[-c configfile] [-F features] [-P featuresdir]
		[-f fstab] [-i initfile] [kernelversion]
	-b  prefix files and kernel modules with basedir
	-o  set another outfile
	-t  use tempdir when creating initramfs image
	-c  use configfile instead of default
	-F  use specified features
	-P  additional paths to find features
	-f  use fstab instead of default
	-i  use initfile as init instead of default
	-n  don't include kernel modules or firmware
	-K  copy also host keys to initramfs
	-k  keep tempdir
	-q  Quiet mode
	-l  only list files that would have been used
	-L  list available features
	-h  print this help


	Directory structure containing needed files.
	List of initfs features.
	Requested kernel version.

	Compressed cpio archive containg initramfs.


	mkinitfs_main <source dir> <temp dir> <outfile> <kernel version> <initfs-features...>
	mkinitfs_feature_files <source> <type> <features...>
	mkinitfs_find_files <source> <features...>
	mkinitfs_initfs_base <source> <target> <features...>
	<list of modules...> | mkinitfs_find_kmod_deps <source> <kernel version>
	mkinitfs_find_kmods <source> <kernel version> <features...>
	mkinitfs_initfs_kmods <source> <target> <kernel version> <features...>
	mkinitfs_find_firmware <source> <kernel version> <features...>
	mkinitfs_initfs_firmware <source> <target> <kernel version> <features...>
	mkinitfs_initfs_apk_keys <source> <target>
	mkinitfs_cpio_sources <source>
	mkinitfs_initfs_cpio <source> <output file>

	mkinitfs <opts> <kernel version>

mkinitfs rewrite and compatibilty wrapper

Existing mkinitfs:
 - Called with root directory to copy files from, defaults to /.
 - Called with output filename.
 - Gets list of features from /etc/mkinitfs/mkinitfs.conf or on command line via flag -F.
 - Features consist of single level of files named <feature>.files and <feature>.modules.
 - Files for features are included by glob, no current means to even verify presence of required files.
 - mkinitfs has no idea what packages must be installed to supply the aforementioned files, thus missing deps are possible.
 - modules are copied from kernel module directory with the same issue as file above.
 - No provision for anything other than files and modules, nor setting perms and ownership.
 - None of the installed files currently have their checksums tracked nor is their origin validated.

mkimage mkinitfs:
 - Mostly identical with above, but feature information stored in functions in shell scripts rather than flat text files.
 - This allows for inclusion and dependency tracking between features and more specific subsets of broad features such as 'ata'.
 - All functionality provided through compatibility wrapper.
 - Currently uses features found in mkimage tree. These could be extracted for system installation.

Proposed redesign:
 - Split core init logic off from features and their required files and modules.
 - Use init-stub to load only signed, apk verified tarballs in initfs.
 - Explicitly set DIRTY flag to let subsequent scripts know that something unverified has been introduced to the environment.
 - Allow for CANARY value which can be modified and handed off by each stage to detect an unexpected execution path (skipping or inserting a step).
 - Package stock init stub, base, and features (these should be the only kernel specific part) as standard apk packages to be included in initramfs image.
 - This would allow building features at kernel-build time, leaving only assembly on the client machine for stock use.
 - Allow user to use custom initramfs by signing and baking their own stub and features. Support use of a nonce signature per build for positive versioning.
 - Ideally, use bootloader to append all initfs features. Alternately, append all feature cpio.gz directly to the stub cpio.gz before installing.
 - Draw files to include in initramfs only from signed apks (or at the very least, verify checksums match those in signed manifest) without explicit request.
 - Output one signed artifact per feature, including its script(s), userspace binaries, and modules.
 - Maintain manifest of source package and hash for each file included.
 - Use globs to generate file lists only, then subtract files provided by deps before creating manifests and packaging.
 - Provide hooks in base to call any included features needed.
 - For very simple static cases, provide a minimal shim init instead.