
Orderly is a web application for managing the Human Resources information of military service-members. This version was created as a Final Project for the Eleven Fifty Academy Software Development Bootcamp.


Orderly is designed with the company-level Human Resources clerk in mind. If you've ever worked in a 'Training Room', this application is for you! Orderly will allow you to create human resources records, review those records in a detailed view, and make changes to records when necessary.

Deletion of records is disabled by design; all personnel records should be maintained as long as possible, and a digital record management system like Orderly doesn't run out of space in the filing cabinet! The motto of Orderly is No SM left behind, and part of ensuring this is the retention of service-member records.


Using your preferred web-browser, navigate to https://orderly.azurewebsites.net/. From there, click the Register link in the navbar. Register as you normally would.

How to use

Once you've created an account, you'll be directed to the User Dashboard. At this stage, the Dashboard provides you with a count of how many records are currently tracked in the system. Future versions will include the ability to view common reports and manage UMR slots in a user-friendly view. For now, you can click the View Records button to proceed into the main Records view.

In the main Records view, you'll see a table with both vertical and horizontal scrollbars, conveniently sized for your viewport (browser window). Each row of this table represents the information of one service-member. Click on the Details button to the left of any row, and you'll be taken to a detailed view of all information pertaining to that service-member's record.

From within this detailed view, you may edit information from any of the four primary information sections, presented as cards. Simply click the icon in the right side of the card header to go to the editing view.

Once you've made the necessary changes, click the Save button at the bottom of the form. You'll be directed back to the detailed view to review your changes. If you need to make any more changes, click the Edit icon in the appropriate information card just like before.

Once you're satisfied with the changes you made, you can click the Go Back link near the top of the view to go back to the main view of all records.

To create a new record, click the large Add New Record button near the top left of the all-records view. You'll create the record in four phases, one for each of the primary record types: basic Personnel information, Contact information, Housing information, and Organizational information. After filling in the information for each of the first three sections, click the Save & Continue button at the bottom of the form to move on to the next phase. After the fourth and final phase, click the Save button to finalize the record, and you'll be redirected to the all-records view once more. Scroll down to the bottom of the table, and your newly created record is there.

Please note you must go through all four phases when creating a new record. You cannot skip a phase or log off partway through creating a record, as this will result in a 'rogue record' that does not display in the all-records view. If you don't have some information and you'd like to enter it later, simply leave that field blank and edit the record after you've created it.


I welcome feedback on this project, particularly from members of the military that have done the Training Room job. I built this as the first draft of a tool I wished I'd had when I was doing the job, so if you have ideas or feature requests, don't hesitate to reach out.

You can find me on LinkedIn, GitHub, or the comment section of my Portfolio Site.
