- 0
how to enter into uniffle wechat or dingtalk?
#217 opened by qin7972 - 1
[Feature Request]Add a web UI in Coordinated Server to show the detailed server/job/metrics information
#136 opened by jerryshao - 0
To support more tasks with Firestorm
#208 opened by colinmjj - 5
Any plans to support run on K8S?
#90 opened by fishcus - 4
fault tolerance
#198 opened by cpd85 - 6
hardcoded relative paths
#146 opened by altaetran - 0
- 31
- 5
- 6
Coordinator HA problem
#194 opened by zuston - 5
Unexpected crc value for blockId[474989042101783], expected:1518107711, actual:3331113690
#166 opened by xunxunmimi5577 - 5
Support shuffle data replica?
#181 opened by zuston - 2
Compared to the native spark, the shuffle write data of firestorm is always smaller
#157 opened by xunxunmimi5577 - 2
Whether local multiple replicas are supported?
#149 opened by xunxunmimi5577 - 1
- 2
[QUESTION] Executor在shuffle write/read 过程中是否落本地盘?
#134 opened by fuhaiq - 3
[QUESTION] 依赖Hadoop环境?
#133 opened by fuhaiq - 9
#128 opened by sfwang218 - 18
What‘s the difference between `` and ``?
#127 opened by xunxunmimi5577 - 10
使用firestorm-0.4.0 运行spark3.1.1官方的JavaWordCount报如下错误,并且在yarn-client模式下driver端进程一直不退出
#124 opened by sfwang218 - 1
Can promethues be used for monitoring ?
#119 opened by xunxunmimi5577 - 0
duplicate servlets map in Coordinator Server
#122 opened by dgzdot - 4
- 4
What is the role of configuration "spark.rss.writer.buffer.segment.size"
#114 opened by xunxunmimi5577 - 2
ShuffleServer died abnormally
#112 opened by xunxunmimi5577 - 4
#109 opened by xunxunmimi5577 - 5
quorum write/read bug
#105 opened by sfwang218 - 4
Errors in settings
#103 opened by avs-alatau - 6
Blocks read inconsistent
#101 opened by shenghui361 - 2
- 4
- 5
- 4
Failed when Spark ESS is enabled
#83 opened by Lobo2008 - 2
Not fast as expected
#71 opened by Lobo2008 - 1
请问出于什么考虑, coordinator没有使用常见的注册服务(zk, etcd, ...)?
#70 opened by mggger - 5
shuffle server OOM
#49 opened by packageman - 3
kill 1 rss which is being shuffle read/wirte, application will be re-run by yarn with new attempt id
#48 opened by wangyi2021 - 5
- 4
shuffle write is too slow
#35 opened by packageman - 3
- 1
Is AQE Suppurtted when spark use Firestorm?
#19 opened by wangyi2021 - 1 三种部署类型性能有差异吗?
#17 opened by melin - 0
- 1
- 1
Fix Dependabot alerts
#13 opened by duanmeng - 1
Add pull request template
#9 opened by duanmeng - 1
Create a first tag release for Firestorm
#4 opened by jerryshao - 0
Add license header to maven ci yaml file
#1 opened by duanmeng