TNN: developed by Tencent Youtu Lab and Guangying Lab, a uniform deep learning inference framework for mobile、desktop and server. TNN is distinguished by several outstanding features, including its cross-platform capability, high performance, model compression and code pruning. Based on ncnn and Rapidnet, TNN further strengthens the support and performance optimization for mobile devices, and also draws on the advantages of good extensibility and high performance from existed open source efforts. TNN has been deployed in multiple Apps from Tencent, such as Mobile QQ, Weishi, Pitu, etc. Contributions are welcome to work in collaborative with us and make TNN a better framework.
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#1996 opened by wzt1229 - 0
怎么知道layer 333是对应的那个算子的呢
#1995 opened by cbingdu - 0
Unable to install...
#1994 opened by ZClee128 - 2
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#1992 opened by timbryant - 0
#1991 opened by coreeey - 1
#1988 opened by sjz-hub - 1
Any documentation on how to add more layer types?
#1990 opened by joshterrill - 0
请问为什么模型interpret 的时候要做md5 加密呢?
#1989 opened by harryshu97 - 1
#1954 opened by CaiWeibo - 0
#1987 opened by zyg519 - 0
模型转换失败 invalid name for input: onnx::Gemm
#1986 opened by Coay - 1
Updata for new coreml2onnx
#1948 opened by 965525196 - 0
大佬好 ,我用arm调试TNN,我的目的是开启多线程并行调试
#1985 opened by tiansiyu123 - 3
code: 0xA007 msg: OpenCL malloc memory failed
#1983 opened by LitchiCheng - 0
TNN yolov5s量化后输出错误
#1984 opened by QIANXUNZDL123 - 3
TNN convert & Android inference Error: can't infer resource shape from binary param in benchmark mode, random generator may not be exactly same with the real resource. Segmentation fault.
#1949 opened by Gabriel819 - 1
#1981 opened by paulwgw88 - 0
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tensorflow SSD准换用到的anchor_data下载链接失效了能重新提供一个吗
#1979 opened by marsbzp - 0
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#1975 opened by taozhiwei21 - 1
#1974 opened by darinshaw312 - 0
iOS 无法实现多人脸 facelandmark
#1971 opened by uu-code007 - 3
benchmark_android时,报错source/tnn/optimizer/graph_matcher/ir.cc:750 map::at: key not found. Segmentation error
#1969 opened by wb014 - 0
能从tnn转成 onnx吗?
#1970 opened by GONGXI1994 - 0
x86_hard_swish_layer_acc.cc AVX2指令崩溃
#1967 opened by AndroidPhoenix - 0
#1966 opened by sanlegejin - 1
android target升级到31、33 后(target30及以下gpu正常),无法使用gpu模式。cpu 模式使用正常。 compileSdkVersion 33 buildToolsVersion "30.0.3" ndkVersion '20.1.5948944' defaultConfig { minSdkVersion 15 targetSdkVersion 33 机型:红米note12T、k60
#1955 opened by cq186 - 0
编译OpenVINO 2023.1进入到TNN后,无法加载任意一个TNN的模型
#1964 opened by longzou - 0
[Compilation issue]
#1962 opened by meerfrau - 0
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#1959 opened by FollowHeart007 - 1
Xcode 15 编译报错
#1958 opened by Onetaway - 1
yolov8 int8量化后 精度损失严重
#1947 opened by HiiHongFe - 0
#1956 opened by rubicfa - 2
在rk3588上运行时报Compiler frontend failed
#1953 opened by 0312birdzhang - 1
Hair segmentation code
#1951 opened by flofief - 1
模型获取结果,耗时远大于模型推理耗时, 且该耗时跟模型结果的数据量大小无关!!
#1950 opened by GONGXI1994 - 0
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ConcatLayer Error
#1944 opened by HiiHongFe - 0
xcrun: error: unable to find utility "metal", not a developer tool or in PATH
#1942 opened by 3i-Haseeb - 0
#1941 opened by qingyang-jiandao - 1
#1940 opened by qingyang-jiandao - 0
#1938 opened by phlas-end - 0
#1937 opened by liuyingbin123 - 1
opencl的premute崩溃 code: 0x9004 msg: unsupported data format for device acc Segmentation fault
#1935 opened by TD-wzw - 0
#1936 opened by dota2AndTI - 1
#1933 opened by nameIsYong - 0
#1934 opened by henbucuoshanghai