
Tencent Cloud API 3.0 Command Line Interface

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


pip install tccli-intl-en
complete -C 'tccli_completer' tccli


$  tccli configure
TencentCloud API secretId [*afcQ]:AKIDwLw1234MMfPRle2g9nR2OTI787aBCDP
TencentCloud API secretKey [*ArFd]:OxXj7khcV1234dQSSYNABcdCc1LiArFd
region: ap-guangzhou

SecretId: Cloud API key SecretId. SecretIKey: Cloud API key SecretKey. Region: Tencent Cloud services region. Please move to the corresponding product page to get the available region. Output: optional parameter, request return packet output format, support [ Json table text] three formats, default is json. For more information, please perform tccli configure help view.

Note: if the environment variable defines the relevant configuration, it takes precedence over the configuration file. They are TENCENTCLOUD. _ SECRET _ ID,TENCENTCLOUD _ SECRET _ KEY,TENCENTCLOUD _ REGION .


tccli cvm RunInstances --InstanceChargeType POSTPAID_BY_HOUR --Placement '{"Zone":"ap-guangzhou-2"}' --InstanceType S1.SMALL1 --ImageId img-8toqc6s3 --SystemDisk '{"DiskType":"CLOUD_BASIC", "DiskSize":50}' --InternetAccessible '{"InternetChargeType":"TRAFFIC_POSTPAID_BY_HOUR","InternetMaxBandwidthOut":10,"PublicIpAssigned":true}' --InstanceCount 1 --InstanceName TCCLI-TEST --LoginSettings '{"Password":"P1easeChange1t@"}' --HostName TCCLI-HOST-NAME1

Note: If a parameter is not a basic type (number or string), you need to specify a json string format. For example, above parameter Placement is a dictionary object, so its format is a quoted json string '{"Zone":"ap-guangzhou-2"}'. For list type parameter, such as SecurityGroupIds, its format is a quoted json string like ["sg-1q2w3e4r"].