
Tendrl build jobs and CI/automation

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Tendrl CI

Tendrl CI jobs and related documentation.


Tendrl packages are built in Fedora Copr, triggered by respective jobs in CentOS CI.

The jobs in CentOS CI are configured via Jenkins Job Builder and this repository contains the respective configuration files (in jobs/build-triggers/ directory).

There are two groups of jobs:

  • for packages from release/* branch
  • for packages from master branch

Each group contains few types of jobs:

  • Tendrl build: ... jobs - build particular package
  • Tendrl pkgval: ... jobs - package validation tests
  • Tendrl test: ... jobs - run tests
  • auxiliary jobs - prepare build and testing environment, build all packages at once

relase branch

Dashboard view: https://ci.centos.org/view/Tendrl

List of jobs (detailed view): https://ci.centos.org/view/tendrl-build-release/

master branch

Dashboard view: https://ci.centos.org/view/Tendrl-master/

List of jobs (detailed view): https://ci.centos.org/view/tendrl-build-master/

Detailed description

Using CentOS CI have some specifics and some parts of the building process is not as straight forward as it might be. Main "problem" (specific) is, that we are not the owners/admins of the Jenkins. And the Jenkins slave where are running our jobs is shared with other projects, so we have not rights to install there anything and we should not break anything.

The package trigger/build process is not performed directly on Jenkins slave (the reason was described in previous paragraph), but on ad-hoc prepared machine borrowed from CentOS CI/Duffy.

Trigger/Build process

When job Tendrl build: (<branch-name>) - <package-name> is triggered (by GitHub Webhook or manually):

  • check, if relevant build_server is available and ready
    • if not, launch Tendrl_build_server (<branch-name>) prepare job and wait till build_server is ready
  • on build_server:
    • clone the relevant git repository
    • checkout desired branch
    • create srpm package using appropriate make ... command
    • submit the srpm package to Copr using copr-cli build ...
  • run Tendrl_build_server (<branch-name>) teardown job
    • check, if build_server is not used by some other job and return it back to the pool

Detailed description of CentOS CI is out of scope for this document. Feel free to raise any question or check official documentation: https://wiki.centos.org/QaWiki/CI https://wiki.centos.org/QaWiki/CI/GettingStarted

How to configure the jobs?

  • configure Jenkins Job Builder (JJB) - see example configuration jobs/jenkins-config.example.ini

  • update the job configuration files in jobs/build-triggers/

  • update the jobs:

    jenkins-jobs --ignore-cache --flush-cache --conf jobs/jenkins-config.ini -l debug update jobs/build-triggers/