
Repo for 440/640 P3

Primary LanguageGo

This repository contains the starter code for project 3 (15-440, Fall 2017). These instructions assume you have set your GOPATH to point to the repository's root p3/ directory.

Starter Code

The starter code for this project is organized roughly as follows:

  raft/                            Raft implementation, tests and test helpers

  labrpc/                          RPC library that must be used for implementing Raft


How to Write Go Code

If at any point you have any trouble with building, installing, or testing your code, the article titled How to Write Go Code is a great resource for understanding how Go workspaces are built and organized. You might also find the documentation for the go command to be helpful. As always, feel free to post your questions on Piazza.

Executing the official tests

1. Checkpoint

To run the checkpoint tests, run the following from the src/github.com/cmu440-F17/raft/ folder

go test -run 3A

2. Full test

To execute all the tests, run the following from the src/github.com/cmu440-F17/raft/ folder

go test


Using Go on AFS

For those students who wish to write their Go code on AFS (either in a cluster or remotely), you will need to set the GOROOT environment variable as follows (this is required because Go is installed in a custom location on AFS machines):

export GOROOT=/usr/local/depot/go