
A 30-day journey where I go through Javascript and Technical Writing. 29 days to go.


  • I will be going through thirty days of the 69 hours JS course I saw on Udemy.
  • The goal is to be very consistent.
  • I won't commit here on Sundays.
  • I hope to have written about 2 articles by the end of this and to have finished at least 20 hours of the course.
  • I will be documenting this via a new README file everyday titled with what I learnt.

New Change

  • This should change to 30DaysofCode.
  • I want to have improved in my technical writing skills- markdown syntax and overall technical writing knowledge by then.
  • I'll be back to define what makes this count as success.

    Consistency is the goal.

What determines a successful run

This will be successful if I finish it in less (or equal to 40 days) from the 21st of June, simply put before 1st of August.

  • I am allowed little extension of a week if we resume midway.
  • I should have reached the 25th hour mark of the course.
  • I should have committed to github at least 25 days of 30.
  • I don't code on Sundays- Sundays count as rest days and part of the 30 days.
  • I should have finished the pre-class and section one of the Google Technical Writing course.
  • Should have written about 2 articles (published on Hashnode.)

How I would document it.

  • I should commit at least once a day using names like DAY-ONE.md
  • I should add at least 10 lines.
  • I should document what I learnt (if I am able to go into details)
  • Something confusing and how I got to understand it.
  • Code snippets.
  • Quote of the day or something motivational.
  • Bible quotes are allowed.