
Spatial navigation and focus management for Framer X prototypes done with react-sunbeam

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Framer Sunbeam

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Spatial navigation and focus management for TVs and gaming consoles done simple. Uses react-sunbeam 🌅 under the hood.


Provides three easy to use code components.

  • Drag them onto your canvas
  • Connect them to their content (Frames or any other code components)
  • Specify the child property to update on focus for every Focusable
  • Drop your Focusables into the Sunbeam Scroll component if you need scrolling behaviour
  • Run the preview of the Frame containing SunbeamContainer
  • Press arrow keys on your keyboard/gamepad/tv remote
  • Enjoy spatial navigation magic happen

Example Project

You can download the example Framer project that demonstrates how to setup Framer Sunbeam below. Unzip the archive and open the file in Framer X.

Example project screenshot




Creates a focus management context.

Connect it to the Frame within which you want focus to be managed You can only have one SunbeamContainer per artboard


Up key - upKey?: string - default "ArrowUp"
Down key - downKey?: string - default "ArrowDown"
Left key - leftKey?: string - default "ArrowLeft"
Right key - rightKey?: string - default "ArrowRight"

Allows to override the default spacial navigation keys. See the full list of available key codes here

onKeyPress?: (event: KeyboardEvent) => void

Allows to invoke some function when a keyboard key is pressed. Can be provided via code overrides.

onFocusUpdate?: (event: { focusPath: ReadonlyArray<string> }) => void

Allows to invoke a function when the focus is updated. An event object containing the new focusPath is passed to this callback. Can be provided via code overrides.


Defines a component that can receive focus.

Connect it to a content component (Frame or any other code/design component). Most of the time you want the size of the Focusable to match the size of its child content because when calculating the best candidate for receiving focus Sunbeam uses position and dimensions of the Focusable, not its content

You can nest Focusables, in this case the best candidate for the focus is first attempted to be found within the same Focusable parent. This is useful when creating sections of the UI, e.g. Side Menu where the Focusable items are not necessarily positioned to each other closer than to the items from the Main section


Key - focusableKey?: string

Set to a randomly generated string by default. Identifier of a Focusable. Has to be unique among the Focusable siblings

Tap to focus - tapToFocus?: boolean

Set to false by default. Specifies if the Focusable should receive focus when tapped/clicked

Focus prop - focusProp?: string

Name of the child prop that will be updated when Focusable receives/loses focus. E.g. if you are wrapping a Frame you can find the list of the props available to you here

Focus prop type - focusPropType?: "string" | "boolean" | "number" | "color"

Type of focusProp

Focused value - focusedValueString?: string or focusedValueBoolean?: boolean or focusedValueNumber?: number or focusedValueColor?: string

Value that is passed to the child's prop when the Focusable is focused

Blurred value - blurredValueString?: string or blurredValueBoolean?: boolean or blurredValueNumber: number or blurredValueColor: string

Value that is passed to the child's prop when the Focusable is blurred

onFocus?: ({ element: HTMLElement; focusablePath: ReadonlyArray<string> }) => void

Function that is called when the Focusable receives focus. Can be provided via code overrides. Receives focusablePath which is an array of focusableKeys of all Focusables in the hierarchy from the root Focusable to the current one. Can be useful for saving the focus state or reacting to the focus updates, e.g. manual scrolling to the focused component


Mimics the behaviour of the Framer built-in Scroll component but it is aware of the currently focused Focusable child and automatically scrolls it into view when needed. This component is useful for creating scrollable carousels and grids of Focusable components


Overflow - overflow: boolean

Specifies whether the content overflowing the Scroll viewport should be visible or not

Direction - direction: "vertical" | "horizontal" | "both"

The allowed direction of scrolling

Transition - transitionType: "spring" | "tween"

Type of the transition to use for scrolling: Spring or Tween

Damping - damping: number

Damping parameter of the Spring transition. See more here

Stiffness - stiffness: number

Stiffness parameter of the Spring transition. See more here

Duration - duration: number

Duration parameter of the Tween transition. See more here

Easing - easing: "linear" | "easeIn" | "easeOut" | "easeInOut" | "circIn" | "circOut" | "circInOut" | "backIn" | "backOut" | "backInOut" | "anticipate"

Easing parameter of the Tween transition. See more here

Using library in your code

Framer Sunbeam re-exports some of the react-sunbeam 🌅 primitives and other helper functions so you can use them directly in you code to create your own custom focusable components without connecting a Focusable to another component on canvas.


You can implement your own focusable Button like this:

import * as React from "react"
import { addPropertyControls, ControlType } from "framer"
import { useFocusable } from "@framer/vladimirg.framersunbeam/code"

addPropertyControls(Button, {
    focusKey: {
        type: ControlType.String,
        defaultValue: "CHANGE THIS TO A UNIQUE VALUE",

export function Button({ focusKey, width, height }) {
    const ref = React.useRef(null)
    const { focused } = useFocusable(focusKey, ref)

    return (
                border: focused ? "2px solid tomato" : "none",



Fix Scroll fill


Expose property controls for Scroll's transition


Remove ScrollContext and useOnFocus, instead add the Scroll notification logic to useFocusable


Remove ScrollContext from module export but export it as a global variable SunbeamScrollContext


Export ScrollContext and useOnFocus


Export Focusable, useSunbeam, useFocusable and defaultGetPreferredChildOnFocusReceive so those can be used directly in your custom code components.


Add onKeyPress and onFocusUpdate props to SunbeamContainer


Proudly introducing the new component - Scroll 🎉. It mimics the behaviour of the Framer built-in Scroll component but it is aware of the currently focused Focusable and automatically scrolls it into view


BREAKING CHANGE: onFocus callback now accepts an object of type { element: HTMLElement; focusablePath: string[] } as an argument, before it was a string focusablePath