
Repository for the project of Database II Class

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


ArchiVehicle is a project realized for the Database II class. The goal of this project is to digitalize and simplify the information management about a vehicle park, through a graphical user interface served by a client/server web application. ArchiVehicle offers the following functionalities:

  1. Insert, update, delete the information about a vehicle;
  2. Insert, update, delete the information about a manufacturer of vehicles;
  3. Searching for a vehicle by applying some filters;
  4. Quick view of the number of vehicles by each manufacturer, based on various characteristics by vehicle.

Install ArchiVehicle

In order to install and use ArchiVehicle you need to follow the steps:

  1. Import through MongoDB Compass these collections of documents:


  2. Change the current directory to the root of the project;
  3. Create a virtual environment with the command:

    python -m venv .venv

  4. Activate the virtual environment;
  5. Install the needed dependencies with the command:

    pip install flask pymongo

  6. Execute the flask server with the command:

    flask run