
Browser extension for automatic NZB file download from the Easynews Web Search

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Easynews Searcher

Browser extension for automatic NZB file download from the Easynews Web Search.


  • Chrome version 100 (Manifest v3) or higher
  • An Easynews account
  • A usenet webseit (forum or indexer) providing NZBLNK links


Clone the repo or download and unzip it to your harddrive. Load the folder "distribution" as an unpacked extension (use google if you don't know how to do it). After installation open the options page and enter your Easynews credentials.

How to use it

Rigth click on an NZBLNK and choose "Download NZB from Easynews" to directly download the corresponding NZB file via the Easynews Web Search. A browser notification will show up when the extension starts searching or if an error occured. After a few seconds, the download of the NZB file to your computer will start (either with or without a download dialog, depending on your browser settings).