
A little chef dashboard

Primary LanguageHTML

Cuisine is a little chef dashboard to follow changes made by config management.

You will need your nodes to use the asynchronous report handler that lies here : https://github.com/rottenbytes/chef/tree/master/async_handler (see http://www.rottenbytes.info/2011/07/28/asynchronous-reporting-with-chef/ )

Quick & dirty setup

Cuisine :
  # clone
  git clone git://github.com/rottenbytes/cuisine.git
  # init ES stuff
  ruby ./scripts/init_ES_datas.rb
  # in a separate term, push reports to ES (modify script to reflect your MQ & ES configs, there are dummy local values inside)
  ruby ./scripts/queue2es.rb
  # in an another term
  ruby cuisine.rb

Elasticsearch :
  download latest elasticsearch, uncompress it and just run the following command :

Note : the project is still in a very early stage, It's using a bare sinatra script. I'm a sysadmin, not a developer, don't except great code and stuff.

I'm nico on freenode IRC, catch me on #chef-hacking for questions.

All this stuff is under BSD License
