
Chef LWRP to issue and autorenew certificates from HashiCorp Vault

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Vault PKI certificate Issue resource

NOTE: In all examples, etc, where you see wherefor.com, you'll need to change to your own domains, etc.

Also the role used to talk to vault will need to be customized for your setup.
recipes/example.rb: common_name 'test.wherefor.com'
recipes/example.rb: private_key_path '/tmp/test.wherefor.com.key'
recipes/example.rb: certificate_path '/tmp/test.wherefor.com.crt'
recipes/example.rb: alt_names ['test2.wherefor.com','test3.wherefor.com']
resources/certificate.rb: # "subjectAltName = DNS:test.wherefor.com, DNS:test2.wherefor.com, DNS:test3.wherefor.com, IP Address:, IP Address:"

the below is our root certificate for validation of the vault SSL endpoint cert
resources/certificate.rb: ssl_ca_cert: '/usr/local/share/ca-certificates/pki.wherefor.com.crt'

the below line needs to point to YOUR vault server
resources/certificate.rb: address: "https://vault.service.aws.w2:8200",

this is our chef AppRole issue endpoint:
resources/certificate.rb: 'pki/issue/chef',