
Amazon event at MUN - Inusha

Primary LanguagePython

AR Day Activity


This code package provides a simulator for a simplified version of a 2D robotics floor. Your goal as the designer is to code the brain of a robot in the form of an Agent class to navigate a robot to a goal location and, in the advanced mode, pick up a Pod object and carry that to the goal.

The game is intended to only have the player's agent class modified. This can be accomplished by creating a new file or editing the provided YourAgent.py file in src/ and adding the Python module and class name to the player_agents_list.txt file in the top level directory of the project. The game can then be run from the command line by running python3 main.py.

How to Run the Game

  1. Make sure you have Python installed (preferably 3.9 or later)
  2. Download the game source code
    • Command line:
      • Make a new directory
      • git clone https://github.com/nickhumm-amzn/AR_Day_Activity.git
    • Browser:
  3. Install requirements:
    • Command line: python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Run the game:
    • Command line: python3 main.py

Game Controls

Each turn of the game, the Orchestrator will query your Agent class for the next move your robot would like to execute. You can control the robot by returning a value from a set of moves defined in the src.Constants.DriveMove enum.

Possible moves are:

  • DriveMove.NONE – Do nothing
  • DriveMove.UP – Move 1 tile up (positive y direction)
  • DriveMove.DOWN – Move 1 tile down (negative y direction)
  • DriveMove.RIGHT – Move 1 tile right (positive x direction)
  • DriveMove.LEFT – Move 1 tile left (negative x direction)
  • (Advanced mode only) DriveMove.LIFT_POD – If a pod is in the same tile, pick it up The pod will now move with the drive until it is dropped
  • (Advanced mode only) DriveMove.DROP_POD – If a pod is in the same tile, drop it The pod will now stay in this position until it is picked up

Each turn, your agent will also be provided with information about the field, the goal, and other robots. This data will be in the format of a sensor data dictionary with information about other game objects. Below is an example of the structure of this dict:

sensor_data = {
    SensorData.FIELD_BOUNDARIES: [[-1, -1], [-1, 0], ...],
    SensorData.DRIVE_LOCATIONS: [[x1, y1], [x2, y2], ...],
    SensorData.POD_LOCATIONS: [[x1, y1], [x2, y2], ...],
    SensorData.PLAYER_LOCATION: [x, y],
    SensorData.GOAL_LOCATION: [x, y], (Advanced Mode)
    SensorData.TARGET_POD_LOCATION: [x, y], (Advanced Mode)
    SensorData.DRIVE_LIFTED_POD_PAIRS: [[drive_id_1, pod_id_1], [drive_id_2, pod_id_2], ...] (Advanced mode for seeing which pods are currently lifted by drives)

Use this data to stay within the field, avoid collisions, and find the goal

Game Orchestrator Logic

In the top level directory of the game code is a file: player_agents_list.txt. The main.py function will try to run all levels of the game for every agent class listed in this file. Agents must be separated by a newline. If an agent fails a level, the remaining levels will not be run

  • [TIP] To test your code faster, modify the agent list file to only have your agent
  • [TIP] To test one level at a time, comment out unwanted levels in the GAME_LEVELS variable in src/GameConfig.py

Game Scoring

  • Each move costs 1 point
  • Score is displayed in the upper left corner of the game window
  • The game will timeout after 1000 turns
  • Agent scores are sorted in the following order:
    • Number of levels completed
    • Tiebreak 1: Score for last level
    • Tiebreak 2: Total score for all levels
    • Tiebreak 3: Re-run only tied agents for a new random seed

Example Agent Class

DfsSolverAgent.py is provided in the source code. Use this class as a starting point. It uses Depth First Search (DFS) to find a path from the player location to the goal. Then it executes that path.

  • [TIP] Think about implementing collision logic
    • will_next_state_collide() function is yet to be implemented
  • [TIP] Think about different search strategies
    • Run the code at least once to see the inefficient path produced by DFS search
    • Start with simple solutions. ex: BFS