
🖼Fastly list or localize the images in markdowns.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


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🖼️Fastly list or localize the images in markdown


It has these features:

  • List the pathnames of all markdown files in the directory.
  • Find image links in markdown plain text.
  • Resolve image links in all markdown files.
  • Download all images.
  • Replace image links in the markdown source file

Getting Started

In the Node.js environment


Install with npm

npm install --save img-localizer

or you prefer yarn

yarn add img-localizer


const imgLoc = require("img-localizer"); // CommonJS environment
import imgLoc from "img-localizer"; // ESM supporting environment

With the CLI


npm i -g img-localizer



执行 imgloc 命令即可

图片将会默认下载到该目录下的 assets 目录中


const dir = path.resolve(__dirname, "../markdown文件夹");

// 解析出一个目录中所有文件对应的所有图片链接
const dirImgObjArr = await imgLoc.extractDir(dir);

let current = 0,
    total = dirImgObjArr.length;
for (let dirImgObj of dirImgObjArr) {
        `(${current}/${total}) 开始下载markdown图片 ${dirImgObj.path}`

    // 下载单个文件对应的所有图片链接
    const res = await imgLoc.downDir(dirImgObj, {
        onSuccess: function(index, filename) {
            console.log(`  ${index}/${dirImgObj.image.length} 图片下载成功 ${filename}`);

    // 替换单个markdown文件中的图片链接

    console.log(`(${current}/${total}) markdown图片下载成功\n`);



DirImgObj {}

Name Type Description
path string markdown文件路径
image Array<string> 所有图片链接
[success] object 下载成功的图片链接与文件名的键值对
[error] Array<string> 下载失败的图片链接


针对 markdown纯文本markdown文件 分别设计了相应的方法

async imgLoc.dir(path[, options]) ⇒ Array<string>


  • path: string 路径(绝对路径
  • [options]: object 选项
    • [options.depth]: number The maximum search depth of the directory tree.
    • [options.reject]: RegExp|Function Similar to filter except matched paths are excluded from the result. Reject is used on each recursive call and, as such, is more efficient than filter as it will skip recursive calls on matching paths.
    • [options.relative]: boolean Set to true to return a list of relative paths.

imgLoc.extract(markdown[, options]) ⇒ Array<string>



  • markdown string Markdown纯文本
  • [options]: object 选项
    • [options.reserveLocal] boolean 是否列出已有的本地图片链接,默认为 false
    • [options.imgPath] string 额外提供一个路径供检测本地图片(绝对路径

async imgLoc.extractDir(dir[, options]) ⇒ Array<DirImgObj>


  • path: string 文件路径 或 文件夹路径(绝对路径
  • [options]: object 选项
    • [options.imgPath]: 额外提供一个路径供检测本地图片(绝对路径or相对路径),默认为 assets(当前目录下的assets文件夹)
    • 其他选项与 imgLoc.dir()imgLoc.resolve()options 保持一致

async imgLoc.down(imgUrlArr, imgPath[, options]) ⇒ object


  • imgUrlArr: Array<string> 图片链接数组
  • imgPath: string 图片下载路径(绝对路径
  • [options]: object 选项
    • [options.cover]: boolean 覆盖同名图片,默认为false
    • [options.timeout]: Number 下载延时,单位为毫秒
    • [options.concurrency]: Number 同时下载图片数目
    • [options.baseUrl]: string When relative paths are encountered, this url will be used to join
    • [options.responsity]: string Special options.baseUrl for GitHub repositories such as gylidian/string-once-split.
    • [options.onSuccess]:Function 图片下载成功回调函数
    • [options.onFailure]: Function 图片下载失败回调函数

下载成功的图片链接将会以 原图片链接:下载图片文件名 键值对 的形式 放入success 字段,下载失败的图片链接则会以数组的形式放入error 字段.

async imgLoc.downDir(obj[, options]) ⇒ DirImgObj


  • imgUrlArr: Array<string> 图片链接数组
  • imgPath: string 图片下载路径(绝对路径
  • [options]: object 选项
    • [options.cover]: boolean 覆盖同名图片,默认为false
    • [options.timeout]: Number 下载延时,单位为毫秒
    • [options.concurrency]: Number 同时下载图片数目
    • [options.baseUrl]: string When relative paths are encountered, this url will be used to join
    • [options.responsity]: string Special options.baseUrl for GitHub repositories such as gylidian/string-once-split.
    • [options.onSuccess]: Function 图片下载成功回调函数
    • [options.onFailure]: Function 图片下载失败回调函数

下载成功的图片链接将会以 原图片链接:下载图片文件名键值对的形式 放入success字段,下载失败的图片链接则会以数组的形式放入error字段

imgLoc.replace(markdown, replaceObj)


  • markdown: string
  • replaceObj: object 替换用的键值对

imgLoc.replaceDir(obj) ⇒ DirImgObj


  • obj: DirImgObj



Usage: imgloc [options]

  -V, --version           output the version number
  -p, --path <dirArr...>  指定一个或多个目录
  -c, --cover             是否下载并覆盖已有图片
  -h, --help              output usage information


  1. process.cwd() 取得当前目录,如果指定了 path 则以之优先
  2. 执行 imgLoc.dir() 列出路径
  3. 执行 imgLoc.resolveDir() 解析出所有图片链接
  4. 对每个md文件执行 imgLoc.downDir() 下载图片
  5. 对每个md文件执行 imgLoc.replaceDir()替换图片链接


Plain text is not as an image link


Relative addresses cannot be downloaded, unless set options.baseUrl or options.responsity. By default, existing local images will not be listed, unless set options.reserveLocal.

![img1](NlkpE6Qqz.jpg) ![img2](../asads.jpg) ![img3](/asas/231jpg) ![img4](./asd.jpg)

Illegal links will not be listed.


The suffix names of Links without suffix names will be judged by binary data after successful download.

![no suffix](http://website/5964342179531145976)

By default, when download, images with the same name will not be overwritten, and downloaded image with the same name will be renamed, unless set options.cover.

![same](http://website1/same.jpg) ![wd91fn-same](http://website2/same.jpg)

It is recommended that you write markdown with normal and stable picture links.


The following crazy cases should be avoided. These links will be relentlessly downloaded or replaced.






help wanted PR welcome

Pull requests and stars are always welcome. For bugs and feature requests, please create an issue.

I'm gylidian, a student at school, and I love the front end.

I'm still a code babe. If you can generously pull request, I'll list your name here. ❤

If you are interested in this module, welcome to follow my GitHub account. It's really really important to me! Thank you!


Copyright © 2019, gylidian. Released under the MIT License.