NextChat Message Social Network

Connect with other people across the world in real-time!

What is this?

Here you found the Android NextChat Client

What need for help to the client?

  • Android Studio
  • NextChat API Key

Steps to contribute

  1. Make a Fork to this repository
  2. Make a branch with the feature to add
  3. Use the conventional commits guide more information here
  4. Make a pull request with a explanation what you changes or features
  5. Review your pull request :shipit:
  6. Merge the pull request or request changes
  7. Done! 😃


Check the License file for more information here


Thanks to this amazing people for make NextChat better:

  • @daschdev NextChat Founder
  • @jheysonsaavedr4 NextChat Developer
  • @teodev1611 NextChat Developer

If you help to NextChat feel free to add here.

Made with ❤️ in Colombia and Ecuador