
This is the rust backend that will work with a mongodb database, the purpose of this is not to create a backend , but to make a really fast backend to learn about communications

Primary LanguageRust

Rust Backend

We are trying to build a rust back-end for the AQO store, that is able to send big files like images, the purpose is make the page as smooth and expandable as possible


Rust 1.52 or later

[Describe how to get started with your project. Include any installation instructions, configuration steps, or other information that is necessary to get your project up and running.]

Clone repository

git clone git@github.com:TeoOrt/AQO_rust-Backend.git

Switch Branch !!!! Never use main branch

git checkout -b "Branch Name"

To install Rust

In mac you can brew install cargo Windows https://www.rust-lang.org


##TODO - Finish this part [Describe how to use your project. Include any relevant commands or API endpoints, and provide examples if possible.]


#TODO - Missing deployment [Describe how to deploy your project. Include any relevant information about the deployment process, such as configuration files or environment variables.]


Mateo Ortega- backend engineer




[Give credit to any resources, individuals, or organizations that contributed to your project.]